So I'm sure others here are going through the same problem. Seems like this is a common happening since the price of the metals inside of cats have skyrocketed lately. I went out and started my 2007/170k and it sounded like a moped. Looked under the car and there is one bolt and spring on the ground. I already knew what had happened since I used to be in the automotive repair industry. My neighbor right across the street got hit also on Her 2008. Big difference is that she has "full coverage" and I have the bare minimum "liability" so an insurance claim is not an option for me. Here is the big problem as well ... I'm in CA !! Now...I just passed smog 2 weeks ago and got my new tags so I'm good to go on that aspect of things but I've been searching around. I have found one guy selling a used OEM system with the O2 sensor for 1000.00 out of an 08 model.He is parting out the car since it rear ended another car pretty bad. Should I go for it? It is complete from the Manifold flange to the muffler. Pretty much a bolt in. All I would need to get is a new donut and exhaust to muffler gasket. What do you guys think? Maybe a new denso O2 sensor as well. Only 50 bucks on Amazon ( Denso 234-4623 Oxygen Sensor) I guess my only worry is ... what if the Cat is bad in this replacement system. He said it was out of an 08 but he could be lying to me. Any tips or guidance folks Mike
i would advise reading the many other tales of whoa here before proceeding. keep in mind that you will probably get hit again
I've been looking at installing a Cat Shield/ Cat defender and an tilt sensor for the OE alarm. The cat shield I can install myself because I have a buddy with a shop who will let me use his lift and tools. I actually have a driveway with a big RING security camera/light that is motion activated. I got the guy stealing my cat on video but it was too far away since I was parked on the street. If I park in my driveway from now on my car would be right under the cam/light and my bedroom window. Once the repair is done ... No More Parking on the street for me again.
I have worried about cat theft lately as well because my daughter is taking the Prius up to her college apartment over the summer and has to park on the street ( University of Minnesota...Twin Cities ). She usually doesn't have a vehicle up there but she is concerned about COVID and wants to avoid public transportation for now. This is the product I am thinking about : Catalytic Converter Protection - GetCatSecurity Looks interesting. Anyone have one?
I'm thinking that over 90-percent of all of the cat thievery in the US is happening in zip codes beginning with 90 or 91, so I'm not sure I would bother with prophylactic devices in places where CARB is an outdated device that mixes air and fuel for internal combustion engines. If OTOH I woke up in Caly with a catless Prius I would probably make a temporary repair with a small piece of black tape and a section of pipe while shopping for a replacement. Having a fresh SMOG test means that you have a little more time to noodle things out. Depending on one's personal situation 'replacement' might apply to cat, car, or home state, but I personally would lean away from installing a $1500 catalytic converter on a 13-year-old car that's not worth putting comp and collision on. Maybe take a nice road trip. Take in some sights. Have somebody replace yer cat.....
Some of the best prevention is to preemptively swap it with an aftermarket. Get a complete unit (from donut to donut) for about 350 bucks. Swap it yourself in about an hour and then either store the original in the garage or sell the cats on ebay for 800-900 bucks.
He can't sell it because he'll need to put it back on for next year's smog test / inspection. Don't forget that aftermarket cats are illegal in his state.
Does anybody know if I just piped this from one spot to the other where the cuts are and drove the car until I found a fix would it hurt anything?
My take: just insurance-up. Doubly so in Cali. And if it hits the insurers hard enough, maybe they'll get the cops in gear. For OP: replace with OEM and insurance up. Yeah it's a hit. But you can drop that kind of $'s at the dentist in a blink.
Sorry, I was off a bit . $256 and a 5 year 50k mile warranty......47 state legal..looks like this one ships as 2 pieces, slip together and install a clamp. That would instantly alert thieves that it's not OEM also. Evan Fischer New Catalytic Converter for Toyota Prius 2004-2009 | eBay or this one..there's many to choose from Direct Fit Exhaust Catalytic Converter fits 2004-2009 Toyota Prius | eBay
I know it's just because I've been sheltering in place way too much. But when I read the headline my first reaction was that some poor Prius Chat poster had been the victim of PET theft. Guess I'm glad it's just tangible automotive hardware, and not a beloved Pet.
I do for our Prime. Not installed yet. Once the shelter in residence is over, it's getting installed.
How about a sentry gun? Non-lethal, it fires plastic balls from roll-on deodorant. Autonomous Sentry Gun Packs A Punch And A Ton Of Build Tips | Hackaday
Picking up a $260.00 bolt in slip fit aftermarket replacement today. It already comes with an O2 sensor w/plug that I will try first. If it tosses a code I will order the Denso one and install ($50.00 Amazon/$70.00 Pep Boys). Damn dealer wanted $170.00 for a Denso O2 sensor. Since I have 2 years to work on the OEM replacement since I just passed smog I guess it's all good for now. Gen 2's here with 50k less on them are going for 4.5k right now so I'll probably just ditch this one in two years and pick up another one cheap down the road sometime. Keep this one around for spare parts. In the future it probably would be wise to invest in a cat shield to discourage another theft on a newer Gen2. They run around $150.00 plus the install if your not a do it yourself kinda person. Thanks for the input folks ...Stay safe!
A lot of London second gens are going to an early grave, with the rash of thefts they're having. The cost of OEM catalytic converter rivalling the car's value.
Yep...heard about that. And then I heard about it happening in LA...and THEN I heard about it happening in Minneapolis ( from my daughter ). That is what got me worried about it if she has the Prius up there and has to park of the street.
The London thread just popped up again: Stolen catalytic converter in london uk | PriusChat The thread's been reporting CAT thefts for coming up on 2 years now, apparently still business as usual for the thieves. Maybe Toyota needs to step up: this is an "environmental factor", that's bricking their cars. No different than something like road salt, for example. If this is dropping the car values, reducing consumer confidence, creating reluctance to acquire one, you'd think they'd be interested.