I'm going through with it - just ordered a used OEM wheel (full sized), and now need to assemble a jack system and lugnut wrench to have a spare. It's times like we all just went through, and are sort of still going through (pandemic, riots) that show every reason not to rely on anyone getting to us when we need help (be it police, EMS, or services to fix a flat tire) within a reasonable amount of time. So... there are lower-car universal scissor jacks, with actually better connecting rods to crank them up, available new for less than a used Prius Jack. I'm just wondering how low a Prius jack's height gets (and I don't know if unibody scissor-jacks are measured inside the channel, or outside, for height). Can someone measure one for us? Preferably all the was closed, at both the channel height and platform height. Really rough measurements with my tape measure just now shows about 3" gap between the pavement and the unibody seam if the tire was deflated. Now, it was dirty around the car where I am, so I didn't get down to pavement level to measure it. What I seemed to get was that the sidewall would probably sink 3 and 3/4 inches if it was just a normal flat - less if the tire bead came off. The bottom of the seam seemed to be 6 3/4" with the tires inflated as they are now, so that's about a 3" gap when one tire is flat... which is pretty low. Thank you.
Please lock this thread. I did not think that cars without spare tires came with jacks, but mine has a jack and the tools needed. No sense in anyone replying to it.