<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tnthub @ Jul 14 2006, 10:55 AM) [snapback]286291[/snapback]</div> Nobody here is talking about differences in average body fat distribution or scalp oil. We are talking about judging people's character based on their physical apparance. (Racism.) Or hatred of people based on assumptions which are based in turn on their physical appearance. (Bigotry.) There is no correlation between physical appearance and character.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ Jul 13 2006, 05:19 PM) [snapback]285841[/snapback]</div> "Crash" is crap. I think you are confusing racism with stereotypes. Do you think stereotypes are racist? Racists certainly make heavy use of stereotypes, but could you be a racist without indulging in stereotypes. Or use stereotypes without being racist?
Our society tends to perpetuate racist stereotypes in general. If we were to have an all white college, white history month, white supplier quotas for contractors... Suppose we had a job opportunity that was given to a person because they were white? I have heard plenty of people say :Lets get some Shinese food" but I have never heard anyone say "Lets get some white food".... Racism is all around us and I remember having to get quotations from states thousands of miles away one year to fulfil a contractors minority committment for materials on a state job that used federal money. To me that is racist because I had to overlook many need white suppliers in my home state and the taxpayers paid twice as much for me to support a minority plus they paid tax dollars to help keep the local poor people in food stamps. I have worked with many Asians over the past 15 years. Am I racist to make certain assumptions such as the frequent beliefn that it would dishonor their family if they were to do certain things, or be seen certain places with a white male? If that makes me racist then so be it. I can honestly and openly say that whenever I see anyone with a butt the size of king kong with 7 kids shelling out food stamps that I think they are probably poor. Whether they are black or white or any ther color makes no difference to me. Maybe I'm just weird but I grew up in an area that is so white that when I met a black person for the first time I didn't think anything of it. I can't stand the political correctness crap. I consider myself an equal opportunity offender. Skin color in my opinion should have nothing to do with anything. Same goes for religion and family backgroud, and sexism. It simply shouldn't exist.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bruceb @ Jul 13 2006, 06:23 PM) [snapback]285968[/snapback]</div> Your post says it all. Thank you
Coming out against 'racism' seems to be a relatively easy stand to take. I mean, c'mon...except for those who say we're ALL racist, it's pretty much a no-brainer. But... ...if you're willing to take that stance, are you also willing to not stereotype people based upon their sexual orientation or preference? Or is race different -- somehow more 'legitimate' -- and so it's okay to discriminate against gays and lesbians, at least with the 'right' moral arguments...? I mean, *that's* a choice...a lifestyle...right...?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Oct 4 2006, 04:28 PM) [snapback]328163[/snapback]</div> It is a sad commentary on our country that we seem unable to just plain accept people who are "different" from ourselves. As prevalent as racism still is, at least it is now socially unacceptable to make racist statements in public. But homophobia still appears to be socially acceptable. A politician who said in public that black people are lazy or Indians are all drunks would be hounded out of politics (and properly so!) But we still have people making public statements excoriating GLBTs, and we can't seem to gather up enough public honesty to confront them. Homophobia and racism are just two facets of the same disease: hatred of anyone we perceive as "different." The fact that anyone in the country would oppose gay marriage demonstrates what a sick, hatefilled, and un-Christian country we are. To listen to people like W on the subject, you'd think Jesus said "Hate your neighbor." My favorite t-shirt says "Celebrate Diversity."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ Jul 13 2006, 06:19 PM) [snapback]285841[/snapback]</div> :lol: PREACH ON!!! PREACH ON!!! B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ Jul 13 2006, 05:19 PM) [snapback]285841[/snapback]</div> If one is considered racist for recognizing differences and then making assumptions based upon most likely possibility then I think you're correct Nate. The thing is, then, that I must be racist toward kids...I assume their level of education is below mine and that their level of maturity is below mine--I'm sure there are some that that is not the case for thus I'm stereotyping all children. When I see a woman I assume she'd prefer me to be a gentleman, open the door, be couteous, not stare at her chest (as much as I might want to!)--I'm sure there are some who are very 'butch' and will be pissed when I do those things--I'm racist against women. My point, I guess, is that I think racism becomes 'racism' not upon recognition or initial impression, but when one lets that initial recognition or stereotypical impression keep us from accepting that person completely and trying to understand who they are. In your example of the black woman with 7 kids, I can assure you that I'd make no assumption what so ever about whether the kids were hers or not. No more than I would a white woman. But yea, if you're suggesting that we all harbour stereotypical connections when we see someone, then yes, I guess we're all racists. I prefer to think it's how we manage those connections. Do we recognize that our initial impressions are just those and immediately try to suppress those emotions to try to be more accepting. But I agree, we aren't color blind, and I don't think we should be. Our race, sex, heritage, age, body habitus are all part of the make up of our personality. Whether we fit a stereotype or not is something to be discovered as someone learns about us. The suprises are always the most fun and those are the people who are typically my best friends.
We all react to people's appearance on an emotional level. The difference is that some people believe that their emotional reactions stem from actual qualities they can deduce from those physical differences, and other people are aware that their emotional reactions are groundless, and try to avoid letting those reactions influence how they treat people. Back in the 60's (?) the Black Panthers talked about everyone being racist (in the sense of having these emotional reactions) to try to get "liberal" white folks to come to grips with those reactions, at a time when many of us were unwilling to admit them. But there is a difference between having an emotional reaction to someone based on his skin color, when you face that flaw in yourself and work to deal with it, and someone who hates people based on their appearance (or their sexual orientation) and/or advocates the belief that such people are inferior or somehow defective.
THis thread is just as stupid as the "Republicans rape kids" thread. There is just no sense in genaralizing a view to an entire entity. This thinking never did anyone any good, and certainly does not further anyone's views. WHy is it that people are deluded into thinking posting an inflammatory thread is going to do any good. If you are trying to convinve someone of something, the worst thing you can do is get them into a defensive mindset with your opening statement. At that point, you are not going to convince anyone fo an argument. I recently tried a trick in an oral argument. Instead of trying to convince the judge the other side was wrong, I agreed with EVERY point the opposing side made, and instead pointed out how it was applicable. I was told I made a very convincing argument, as I didn't disagree with the other side. The opposing side was hindered in their rebuttal, as there wasn't much to rebut. If you are trying to make a point, and are trying to convince the other side, you've got to avoid confrontation. Ont he other hand, if you're just trying to be an nice person and want to argue for no reason, then this type of thread is right on target.
"I agreed with EVERY point the opposing side made" To paraphrase Wilde, "Always agree with your enemies - nothing annoys them so much"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Jul 13 2006, 03:46 AM) [snapback]285512[/snapback]</div> So you read a few articles written by far-right pundits and you take that as the truth? Do you also listen to Rush and Hannity and yell agreements back at the TV screen or radio? Oh and don't fall for the "liberal media" crap. The only people who are claiming the media is liberal are the same people I listed above. Why do they say that? To get more people to watch their shows, that's why.
Far from being "liberal", the mainstream media is corporate - owned and always follows the agenda of large multi-national corporations. For any hope of balanced reporting, you need to read the alternative press on the internet.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Oct 5 2006, 11:30 AM) [snapback]328444[/snapback]</div> I find the BBC World News is pretty good, since they aren't tied to American companies (at least not as much as American media). And I mean the real BBC, not "BBC America", since I think they also have selective stories as to not offend the American public.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Oct 5 2006, 08:30 AM) [snapback]328444[/snapback]</div> If you are adverse to "alternative" anything Jared's point remains valid. Try searching for english language foreign newspapers for more worldly accounts of the world news.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DocVijay @ Oct 5 2006, 08:08 AM) [snapback]328433[/snapback]</div> Absolutely Stupid. So we can all decide for ourselves to ignore it or participate. You've chosen participation. Cut him some slack - O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, and a host of others pretty much have TV, radio, and blogosphere locked up. The only thing left for him is PriusChat
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Oct 5 2006, 11:55 AM) [snapback]328496[/snapback]</div> Here is a good collection... http://www.watchingamerica.com/index.shtml
"The only thing left for him is PriusChat" (The pay is lousy, though) One of my rules is to ignore any post that has a grammatical error in the title.