So I found a 2007 Prius It's the exact same color as my current 2008 Prius with 251k on it This one is a 2007 with 180k on it The hybrid battery is bad which is not my main concern. If I buy it I'll probably just swap battery packs in it from my current Prius The seller is saying there is a code for the heater valve or there is something wrong with the heater valve I don't have the exact code. Can probably get it when I look at it later this week. Is that something serious? I'm imagining not too hard to replace. I've also asked if the ABS actuator has been changed along with some other questions. This person has owned this car for two years so I'm unaware of the history behind it He originally wanted 1499 for it I explained to him the battery situation and that I literally just changed one He's willing to do 1100 on the car and I can probably get it for 1000 if I push my luck.
If it's the coolant control valve to the thermos bottle (P1116 code), it's fairly easy to replace (DIY), doesn't cost much either (agian, DIY) and is a fairly common failure. You'll need to get some coolant too to make up for the loss during the replacement but many folks take the opportunity to perform a coolant change anyways and just drain it all. It's close to and below the inverter pump. Since those too are are a fairly common failure (my 06 is on its third one), proactive sorts would seriously consider replacing it too at the same time and save a lot of time and effort.
Sounds like a good buy. But please be aware that at that price, there can be other unknown expensive issues that may happen within the next 6 months. Just my two cents and experience. Another blogger in here got what they thought was a deal on a similar model and 4 months later found out all kinds of issues. Just be careful.
I would take a gander at the serpentine belt. Both of these Prius' are at the age where cracked belt is a concern. It's an easy change, and the belt is inexpensive.