We waited overnight to see if the modules droppes voltage. Nothing. All modules read at 8.1v. Any ideas on what this could be? Bad wiring harness?
Check the wiring. Look at the voltage sensing wire ring terminals. Especially where the ring terminals are crimped onto the wire. Check that the nuts on the module post is at the correct torque. Check for corrosion at the connector side of the voltage sensing wire harness. Check for corrosion on the hv battery ecu pins. Put the modules in that block under load. See if the voltage drops significantly.
So what was the issue? how you resolved it? I recently swapped 3 modules, toady got P3011. While putting back cells, I forgot to put temp sensors on battery and felt harness wires are more stained than they should. Tomorrow going to open the battery before ordering new modules
Hello and welcome to PriusChat. You are tagging on to a Gen 1 thread, whereas your car is a Gen 2. There are differences in this area between these generations, so you would be better to start a new thread and detail the specific information about your car to get better advice on the way forward.