To those that have bought these tires (Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max), I am finding two different speed ratings (H or S), which also come with different wear values. I am not talking mileage life ratings, I am referring to the UTQG rating; the higher speed rated tire has a slightly worse wear rating. However, I am thinking what if the wear rating is worse, but the handling and ride characteristics are better on the cheaper, higher speed tires? Then I'd go for it. Also, the higher speed rated tires are cheaper by $20-$25 a tire. Am I overthinking this?
Considering all those stat's, I'd guess the higher speed rated tires are softer rubber, would drop your mpg. I'd go for the pricier, lower speed rated.
Definitely not overthinking it. You should also consider the load rating. Here are the MPH corresponding to the speed rating letters: S 112 T 118 U 124 H 130 V 149 <<== spec for my Prius v W 168 Y 186 Z 149+ So you can see "S" is the lowest there is. My 2012 Prius v is spec'ed at 205/60R16 91V So when I get tires, I will be sure to get V rated or higher, and 91 load or higher. My Prius van / station wagon is of course huge, so the ratings for normal Prii may be different - but that is the first thing I would check on any car. The load ratings are easier to tell what they mean since they just go in order (vs. things like the H and Z in speed ratings). Up until 98, each number+1 just adds 20 kg to the load, beyond that it's +25 kg for each +1.