I'm fixing up the front bumper to this newly bought $1000 white beat-up 2010 Prius with 298,000 miles. The former owner said he spun on ice and hit a road barrier. A lot of work to be done to get back on the road. A new bumper will cost $300-600. Since its already broke, I have nothing to lose with: washers, twist ties, trim clips, and vinyl poultry netting.
Buff the scrapes off and it will look even better. Might hold up for a long time if the plastic is not brittle and the ties don't rip through. Good enough. Well done.
Really well done! If you're looking to take it to the next level, you could try reinforcing the washer attachments with epoxy (JB Weld is my favorite). Then you might try some Bondo to smooth over the especially cracked and zip-tied sections. Finally some Plasti-Dip to paint the whole bumper. Be aware that although paint will make things look better from 10+ feet away as the color becomes uniform, at closer viewing distances it will look worse since the variations in texture + shape become more visible. And if you have a junkyard nearby, you could always check for a whole "new" bumper.
There's a staple gun that heats up the staples: when you apply them they melt into the plastic. For body shop though: pricey/tricky? I used this stuff once: https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/bumper-repair-kit-0475601p.html I continue to use just the fiberglas mesh, with two-part epoxy, now and then. Pretty much always for the first black underpanel piece, directly below the front bumper: it's so low it ALWAYS snags concrete wheel stops. And it snags, just about rips itself off the car every time you back off. I'm cagey now, never use the wheel stops, stop a little short. Well almost always. That something like this happens is a Toyota fail: the wheel stops are pretty much the same the world 'round, should not have passed testing phase.
thanks, it was a very fun project for me, particularly as I didnt know where the bumper was going to end up: renew or new purchase. Only plan I had was a budget limit to not exceed$ cost of a new bumper: new $35 under splash guard, bunch of zip ties, washer, etc. Im doing the EGR valve swap now, as the part just came in the mail yesterday. This is the last procedure needed to get back on the road and inspected. If this holds true and the car lasts longer than 6 months; I shall definitely consider doing some beautification upgrades. Thanks for the great ideas.
I'm going to say from description of repair approach and 1st picture to last picture, that looks a whole lot better than I would of ever thought possible. That being said, it's reminds me "Young Frankenstein" because it's still Frankenstein in a Tuxedo. But you brought the bumper far more to life, with washers, twist ties, trim clips, and vinyl poultry netting than I would of thought possible. For as described, "Semi-Permanent" bumper repair? I have to say good job.
Good to hear this bumper repair garnering some interest. Im adding more pictures for your entertainment-- enjoy. You will notice I mixed up use of twist ties and trim clips where possible. The accident made it more challenging for anchoring and stability. For good measure, Im gonna add a handful of extra zip ties in the glove compartment. "Frankenstein in a tuxedo" --- indeed.
I've watched a few video's of places that melt plastic on messed up bumper covers like yours. They do a great job of putting back together, melting the plastic just right, sanding and painting it. They look brand new! Good Luck with yours!