Needed a daily commuter to give my truck a break, decided to purchase my father n laws 2011 Prius... Flying into St.Louis Friday and driving it back to Nashville area... Going from a Ram 2500 CTD, so this oughta be good! Been a fan of the car for years, so I’m pretty stoked about the new ride! Need new tires pretty soon, so I’ve been lurking in the mpg tire thread... Momma’s gonna let me tint the windows and upgrade to a multimedia head unit, so I’ll be sittin’ nice in the new ride!
Ecopias from is the way to go! As for the biggest difference you'll notice other than not having to stop for gas hardly at all, is that at freeway speed on long downhill slopes your Prius will be so much lighter that gravity won't accelerate it in the way you're used to. Many people at first think there's something wrong with the car, but it's just the light weight of the vehicle keeping it from speeding up going down hill like a truck does.
Oh man, I was leaning towards the Continental TrueContact, BUT the more post I’d read the more confused I’d get! Sounds like the ecopias get the best MPG out of the two... Definitely gonna take some getting use to, father n law has one, I’ve drove it a little, so it won’t be totally new to me! Will do, stopping at my father n laws place in Paris Tn for the weekend on my way back to Nashville, already have an appointment for tint Saturday in Paris...
Greetings! Welcome Aboard.... +1 If you pay half as much attention to maintaining the 2011 as you do to which tires to buy for it or getting it tinted.....then you'll have a 200,000 mile, fairly trouble-free car. Here....catch. Good Luck!
Just watch the video, looks pretty straight forward! Thanks for the heads up!! Thanks for the link! Tires are needed, so I’m a lookin’, but yeah I thank you guys for the advice! 107k... Father n Law put maybe 40k of those on it... He was pretty meticulous about things, so I’m sure it’s been well taken care of...
Change Trani Fluid. Inverter Firmware Updates Load Test 12 Volt Battery in the Trunk EGR System including EGR Cooler Change oil every 6000 miles Check OIL Dipstick once a week!!!
Can I upgrade the inverter firmware without going to the dealer? My buddy has one of the high dollar SnapOn units that gives diagnostics, not sure if it would work, I know it can reset codes...
You wouldn't want to update any firmware because you could Brick the ECU or Inverter. If the car has been in the dealership lately it should have the updates.
So if it hasn’t been to a dealer(father n law is more of a “I got this guy” type)should I worry about going and paying to specifically having the updates done?
Updates are free....... and needed for the warranty when the Inverter goes out. Run the Vin # through Toyota
Yeah I had my inverter go out with about 150k miles on it but was still covered under the warranty. whew.