When we got our prime and start up, we would see what looked like a white Prius driving through a snow white background. The map was impossible to see roads except I-80 Playing around I pressed display and found previous owner or maybe dealer had the contrast turned up full tilt. I backed it all the way to zero and bingo there were the roads and the white car turned a more pleasing shade and background, and car was no longer driving through a snow storm. Only thing I haven't been able to figure out are those various color blocks above the brightness and contrast setting bars. Pressing on them does nothing I can see.
Same thing on the big 11.6" display. I played with mine quite a bit before I settled on the least bad picture. That was over a year ago and I haven't messed with it since, so I'm not sure about the blocks you mentioned. And mine might have different controls from yours anyway.
The '' various color blocks '' don't do anything ,they are just there to compare ... for example , to make sure that the black block is black and not grayish when you adjust the brightness and contrast setting bars.