$16.9K on 3 years old with 40K miles, and a crack on the front bumper cover. KBB value was $18K, but I did not get that much. Still, no money trade up to 2020 PRIME after rebates and tax credit was too good to pass.
I asked my dealer to replace the front wipers with rubber inserts only. They had a hard time with it, eventually getting the driver side in but said they had a hard time with the little tab at the end, and so replaced the entire right arm. It doesn’t quite match and sticks up, visible from the cabin. Then – – they ran my vehicle through a car wash and tore off the entire rear wiper. The damage warped the spindle and the rear wiper doesn’t work correctly anymore
Yes, and the car wash did something strange to both front door handles. For weeks they didn’t retract correctly to close position. The handle still open the door, but they are just a little wonky. To the dealers credit they offered to replace the handles free of charge, but it would require going back to the dealer and completely disassembling both doors. The wonky behavior seems to have gone away over time. Believe this has been covered under a separate discussion. Sorry to go off topic