Well welcome Perrysburg Prius! Here’s one. Don’t be a stranger. Feel free to follow me! Love ❤️ Randi
Welcome to PriusChat! It is also possible that the person has conversations blocked. (I do) If so no amount of posts will help. (or hurt!)
How do you block conversations? I actually think I'd like to do so, but I can't find an option that allows me to block it?
https://priuschat.com/account/privacy Near the bottom it asks who can start a Conversation with you, I unchecked everyone. I like being in public, not behind closed doors.
Me to. But you have conversations blocked? Ostensibly we wouldn't even participate in Prius Chat at all, if we didn't want a public voice. For me? I enjoy threads and back and forth conversation within the community. Don't know if I really want behind the "thread" conversations.
I go private when I don't want to embarrass someone (like answering a newbie with a hint about the way the forums work). Or to provide some specific info that, while legal, might get a third party (like a dealer) in trouble or angry at me (think local dealer). Think extended warranty sales or car sales discounts. So I invite both public and private.
And if you get the 5 posts under your belt and still stumped: there is a lot of the pop-up and right-click functionality disabled on the site now, but here's how I start a private message. Note the user name of the person. Click on the envelope icon in top right corner of any page. Click on "start a new conversation" Start typing the username (without prefix "@") and it should auto-complete a full/valid name after you gone about 3~4 characters Type a title in that field, then your message in the message field.