Wife got the spoiler scratched down to the metal by the garage door. See what going out during a pandemic does? She should have sheltered at home. I did a search in the forums and got conflicting answers. On the one hand, some threads said black Toyota #202 touch-up paint would fill in the scratch. On the other hand, one thread indicated that the spoiler was actually plastic and touch-up paint is not the answer. Sure looks like metal but I figured it is best to check with the experts before making a bad situation worse by using the wrong thing. Is black Toyota #202 touch-up paint the way to go?
I used duplicolor universal black. It's pretty much black-is-black. Luckily in our case the most serious scratch was at the trailing edge, a little easier to touch up. The thin scratch along the top I left alone, think it'd take pros, or a good detailer, to do it seamlessly. I also zip-tied some foam tubing (the type used for insulating plumbing pipes) to the trailing arm on the garage door that does the damage. And, luckily, our garage door tends to pop the rollers out of the track, before it cracks something.
For scratches across the horizontal surface some sort of black filler, that you could rub in, then wipe off the excess, would be sweet. Does such a thing exist? I could use it too. With all the "z's" in the name, this has got to be good: Some abysmal reviews...
"...some sort of black filler..." How about this stuff? Also, there's Bondo, but that would probably require more finesse.
Maybe even just paint technique: have a squeegee at the ready (or even just a cloth?), run a thin bead of gloss black enamel along the scratch, then immediately wiped it off, leaving just a little in the scratch. No idea if this would work, and you'd want to practice on something first. The big if, would be if it's possible to wipe it off, or you end up with a smeared mess. Maybe a rag soaked in thinner would be more effective.