Maybe even manufacturing? The last California auto manufacturer going away to greener pastures? Tesla Will Move HQ Out of California After Fight Against Health Order - Tesla Motors Club You have to wonder how much control a state needs - as opposed to companies using common sense - when a state allows some big corporations to start funneling people back to work - but not another. .
Might it have something to do with the type of work the folks involved do. I can social distance from my private office and reduce my chance and the chance of me spreading my germs to others. But if two of us had to be standing over a car and fitting a dash or a windshield, not so much. Elon has been acting like a 5 year old lately. If I can't have my toy I'm moving away. I tried that at the same age and my parents held the door open. I was back for dinner. Will his BOD allow such an expensive move? And with finances in an uncertain state.
Well... Bye! Everyone's being asked to pick sides: you can prop up the investors and the dollars backing your venture or you can do right by the human workers out there literally building the value into the product. This disease has suppressed human productivity and that will not be changing for a while. As long as infinite more dollars can be made (in the federal reserve) with a few keypresses I'll support labor's side on this. Doing business the same way we always did is no reason for people to get sick and die.
Another completely different approach - Toyota has reconfigured their Plant and break areas and is going back to work this Monday. The first two days will be to orientate the employees to the "new normal" to comply with all federal and state recommendations. The whole time Toyota factories were closed they paid their employees 4 days work for each week they were closed. In our state the first thing Toyota did when the Governor declared an emergency was ask how they could help and immediately donated all personal protective items they had to our states medical supplies - mask gloves respirators etc. They then refitted some of their injection molding machines to begin manufacturing Face Visors for the Medical community with Toyota employees at Toyota Expense. Vanderbilt Medical Complex in Tn was first to receive these desperately needed devices Vanderbilt doctors receive first 100 face shields from Toyota | WZTV I can only shake my head when people criticize Toyota. When you see stories like Tesla and compare Toyota's response it is easy to see why Toyota is one of the most admired companies in the world Toyota North America Covid-19 response Toyota’s response to COVID-19: Monetary and In-kind Donations - Toyota USA Newsroom
Good for Toyota. Tesla also designed ventilators trying to source as many components from parts in their cars. Not sure how many, if any, they actually shipped, but this was back when it was feared that there would be a shortage Mike
I didn't know about the ventilators -thank you for mentioning it. It is a wonderful thing the way so many of these businesses have given to help their communities and other people.When companies like Tesla step up and do those things it makes a difference in the world and helps many people.
A TSLA owner, I would prefer to see: Co-locate a new assembly plant adjacent to the Nevada battery factory, perhaps with tunnels connecting them. Use the lessons learned at Fremont and Shanghi to achieve manufacturing efficiencies. Build a new paint shop without the Fremont problems. Build a nearby engineering facility in Nevada and encourage the technical staff to set aside part of their homes as a business work office for telecommuting and tax purposes. As for another second facility, I would prefer to see Kansas City or Saint Louis because of the workforce education and skills. Both have excellent transportation. Bob Wilson
Not to say I told you so but I called this YEARS ago when word of the M3 begin surfacing. Needless to say, my opinion wasn't very popular back then. It's a no-brainer really when one considers that over several decades every major auto manufacturer has left the state with Toyota being the latest high profile example. Tesla took the Fremont bait because it was their only realistic choice back then (remember when New Mexico was being considered?).
Apparently, Oklahoma caught wind of Tesla's discussed with the California governor and is making a play to woo them to their state; Big F*cking Field Or at least to get the next big manufacturing complex located there. Austin maybe on the short list too. Tesla considers building its next factory in Austin or Tulsa .
With the near collapse of the oil patch, it would be a good idea except ... the smart Okies moved to California (i.e., Grapes of Wrath.) Bob Wilson
Right now it's just talk-talk.....but Musk is an extraordinarily tough critter to predict, and I would not bet against it.
My guess for a factory location would be south of the metro-mess where open land is more abundant/cheaper and flatter and has a couple of active rail lines but...... Besides being close to the Space X site, RGV (rio grand valley) has many pro's in terms of costs and land along with the huge benefits of being close to much of Mexico's auto manufacturing/parts suppliers base and abundant low wage workforce.
Elon has had union issues at Fremont for years. The last two California politicians who shot their mouths off at Elon Musk had made their pro-union views well known. Having a second assembly line not on or near a California fault or picket line makes a lot of sense. Just don't put it on a fracking field. Bob Wilson