Date Ordered: June 10, 2006 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): T J @ Grossinger, Lincolnwood (Chicago), Illinois Timeframe given for delivery: Early <strike>September</strike> October Color: magnetic gray Option Package: <strike>#8 (NW)</strike> #6 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Unknown
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Starfall @ Aug 11 2006, 03:17 PM) [snapback]301683[/snapback]</div> Thanks, Starfall. If I may ask, when did you place your order? Or, how long did you have to wait for your pkg #4?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M. Oiseau @ Aug 11 2006, 03:44 PM) [snapback]301707[/snapback]</div> We placed our order on June 10th. Actually, we didn't so much as place an order as choose one which was already allocated to the dealership. A "'oiseau' in the hand," so to speak. Prior to ordering we were debating between silver & magnetic gray but NOT the package. We wanted the safety features & #4 had all of them as far as we were concerned. Didn't need the special sound system, NAV (we have a great TomTom), or Bluetooth (have a headset), etc. Although TJ & Kevin quoted us 4-6 weeks, it was closer to 8 weeks. (Hey, more time to read PriusChat! <_< ) Personally I don't take Grossinger to task for that kind of delay though I certainly wish we had been kept better informed that the car would not be delivered within the original timeframe. All in all, with the exception of the communication issue, we were/are quite pleased with our purchasing experience as well as our orientation session at the dealership.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Starfall @ Aug 11 2006, 06:05 PM) [snapback]301778[/snapback]</div> I'm glad to know you had a good experience, even though it took a little longer than anticipated. I'm starting to get a bit antsy with the September 30th tax credit deadline looming. So, someone speaks French?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Starfall @ Aug 11 2006, 03:17 PM) [snapback]301683[/snapback]</div> Grossinger Toyota is bad news: We bought our car from Grossinger. Nothing but broken promises, lies and overcharges. Took a fulll six months to get warrantee refund. Four months for license plates. Still trying to get satisfaction on other problems. Probably going to have to go to court. Stay away.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kenoarto @ Aug 11 2006, 10:56 PM) [snapback]301943[/snapback]</div> There is no doubt that everyone's experience will differ. I'm no Grossinger cheerleader but it's only fair to mention that: 1) The warranty is Toyota's - any dealership just sells it. If you had trouble having your money refunded, it was between you & Toyota at that point. 2) When we last transferred a license plate to a Ford, it took the DMV in Illinois 2 months to finally *print* the paperwork! Not sure how long all in all to receive it. They are NOT swift in the Land of Lincoln & I can certainly empathize with your frustration. I can't know what your "broken promises, lies and overcharges" were - perhaps you could elaborate. I'd definitely be interested in knowing what your "other problems" consisted of since we would probably be having our maintenance done at Grossinger.
My order made Grossinger's allocation list this week!!! Finally! I'm feeling the onset of P.A.S. already. Anyone have any advice on mitigating P.A.S. symptoms, please?
Prius Anticipation Syndrome, I presume? Well, the good news is, it is not a terminal illness. But you should be prepared to experience feelings of anxiety (Is it there yet?), frustration, (Where is it?) and paranoia (maybe they forgot to load it on the ship!). Pallitive treatment recommended is daily (or hourly) doses of PriusChat. Fear not, your symptoms will be alleviated by pushing the power button in your very own Prius. (only to be replaced by MFDitis. No cure for that, unfortunatly. ) Congrats... and welcome to the cult.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M. Oiseau @ Aug 17 2006, 08:32 AM) [snapback]304606[/snapback]</div> Felicitations, comme on dit. Or, as they say in English, I oiseau excited to hear that news! <_< Did Grossinger estimate how long it would be once it hit that list? Now as for your symptoms, ::helas::, that's another matter. During your waking hours, I agree daily doses of PriusChat can be calmative as well as informative, as someone already mentioned. You can try counting Priuses when you have troubling sleeping (one magnetic gray, two silver pine mica, three barcelona red, etc.) Rest assured in the knowledge that once your Prius arrives all these PAS symptoms will soon become PASSE.
Merci and thank you for the reassurances. However, I'm finding PriusChat to be a temporary relief requiring increasingly frequent visits, many at work where my boss might see. Similar to scratching the pox; you know you shouldn't but it's irresistible and feels so good. With the PAS driving visualizations I'm having, I expect expert P&G status shortly after delivery. No word yet of timing. I was told that worst case is 6 weeks, which just brings it in under the tax credit expiration wire.
Grossinger lie #1 told us warrantee could not be purchased at later date -- truth 3 years. Grossinger lie #2 We asked for our warrantee refund, in writing, TWO DAYS after we bought it. We learned from Toyota national that Grossinger never submited our warrantee nor new license plates (not a transfer) till four months later. After telling Grossinger repeatedly over the course of months (Grossinger routinely took a weeks to return phone calls, if at all), they sent the paper work in contrary to our specific written instructions. Grossinger kept our money all those months. And did I mention they said the "normal selling price was over $2000 but we were getting a huge price break at only $1500" Grossinger lie #3 Track (dealer Demo) qualifies for $3150 tax credit. General Manager (since fired) reapeately stated, "You get everything with this car. There is absolutly no difference, you get the tax credit and everything, but the selling price is a little lower." Grossinger lie #4 Replacment General Manager said they will install leather and other things that add up to $3150 -- nothing has been installed. Grossinger lies continue to this day: we are about to call the lawyers. Grossingers lies and lies and cheats and steals. Stay far far away. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Starfall @ Aug 12 2006, 11:01 AM) [snapback]302128[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kenoarto @ Aug 17 2006, 10:01 PM) [snapback]305073[/snapback]</div> We were told, when we asked, that we could purchase the warranty at a later date but not at the same rate they were offering us then. BTW, the rate we were quoted was nothing like what you were quoted but it was still higher than on PriusChat. I can't comment on this in any meaningful way since we only purchased our car a bit over a week ago. It's way too soon for me to be able to tell if the info was sent to Toyota or the DMV. My other experiences with Grossinger has led me to believe that this was handled professionally. As for returning calls, I found them fairly responsive. It usually took anywhere from minutes to a day or two, both before & since the purchase, for them to respond to a phone query. This is clearly either beyond dumb or criminal on his part & the General Manager should have been fired! That said, I think they should have offered to cancel your purchase & refund your money since your purchase was at least partially made on misinformation. Either that or offered to make up what you would have received in tax credit by adding value to the car. It looks like that's exactly what you agreed on with the leather, etc.. I can't comment on this since I don't know how things actually played out. If, by this point, you were threatening to sue, well, this would have certainly complicated the issue. Again, our experience with this dealership was quite different. We received the car we ordered, albeit a week or two later than expected. We paid MSRP minus a bit off for the lack of communication about the delivery delay. In short, we are pleased with our purchase & the way we were treated at the dealership. What else can I say?
edited original post. October 2 and still waiting; it was switched over to a 2007 a couple of weeks ago; missed the full tax credit cutoff; have passed through the four stages of PAS, am now in the quiet acceptance mode. Will I ever get my Prius? I don't know, but that's ok. (Oh, and I've developed a persistent tick with my left eye, a la Chief Inspector Dreyfus in The Pink Panther.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M. Oiseau @ Oct 2 2006, 01:36 PM) [snapback]326981[/snapback]</div> You WILL get it! Say it as a mantra 5 times/day & it WILL BE SO! Sorry about missing the tax credit rebate (but only by half) - but your 2007 will be worth more, if you ever trade it in (for a 2011, say), than a 2006. Keep the faith. As for the tick, is there a "tock" as well? If so, it might be time to see a doctor, mon Dieu!
T J called with the news that the car status switched to G for ground! Yippee? Did it hit the ground? No, it should hit the dealership today! YIPPEE!!! Now both eyes are twitchy. Merci, Starfall, for your kind words. Speaking of tick-tock, I think all of my clocks have slowed down. Is this normal? Ooo, the one on the wall is going backwards.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M. Oiseau @ Oct 4 2006, 08:41 AM) [snapback]327766[/snapback]</div> M. Oiseau, Congrats, ...enfin! As they say in PriusChat Land, "Enjoy the ride." You may have missed the full credit tax credit but you definitely haven't missed the fun. It will be just beginning. I'll never meet you in person but I'll always be with you in spirit (as will all of us on PC). Enjoy!
Picked it up Friday, October 6th. Hurray!!! Everything went as expected, which means everything went well. T J is very organized. My Prius was delivered in perfect condition. Didn't get any valet cards, though. Total time at the dealership was about 3 hours. Getting out of the Chicago metroplex took about 3 hours as well (average speed less than 20 mph). How do you guys put up with it?! My biggest surprise with the car is how easy it is to hold a glide. A friend has a 2004 and it's damn near impossible in his car compared to mine. Definitely some software tweaks have been implemented over the last few years. I'm sleeping well again and have lost the muscle twitches. Thanks to everyone on this site and thanks to Danny for a great resource and community. Now I'm in the club.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M. Oiseau @ Oct 10 2006, 03:53 PM) [snapback]330825[/snapback]</div> Don't live too far away so I went there with my husband. Don't need to deal with Chicago proper but, if you have the time some day, you might want to spent a little time visiting our very special city. As for the valet cards, perhaps you could see if TJ could order you/send you some or, barring that, ask Toyota for some. Happy that the muscle twitches are gone & totally delighted that you have, in your words, "joined the club." Bienvenue! Don't you really*love* the MagGray?
Wow, I didn't even pay attention to the Valet Cards. I am starting to lose my touch! I went through all 12 Prii that I have on the ground and none of the 07 models have the valet cards. Not sure if they discontinued the cards, but if I find them I will mail them out to you! Glad to hear you like the car!!!!