I have been shopping for a new Prius LE AWD and the prices I've been quoted from dealerships have varied wildly. If you have a 2020 LE AWD will you please share the negotiated price you paid?
Purchased in late February (so things may be different now). It was $25,500, plus we were able to get the special 2.9% financing at the time (I think the special rate is lower now). Edit, this included the all weather mats, cargo cover, and aftermarket heated seats installed.
Just purchased my first Prius today. LE AWD-e that had been on the dealer's lot for awhile. Paid $26,416 OTD. Included all weather mats and door protectors. Other OTD prices locally were all between 28-29K.
MSRP with Options: $28,448 Dealer Discount -$2,690 Dealer Price : $25,817 Sales Tax: $2,182 Dealer Handling and Filing Fees: $636 Toyota Manufacturer Rebate: -$1,000 Final Price: $27,620
Randy: What was your overall tax rate. In CO, it is a killer. 8.485%. Likely one of the higher amounts in the country. Definitely much higher than FL or NH.