2014 Prius Plug-in does not charge at home on level 1 120 volt charger BUT does charge on public charger. Help!
Several times my charger wouldn't charge my 2012 plugin also. I was very relieved when it worked after I unplugged the charger from the wall for a few hours and then tried again.
welcome! 1) check the voltage at the wall outlet 2) try your evse at a known working outlet 3) press the reset button on the evse 4) make sure the plug insets all the way into the car, and the button lever locks over the clip 5) get a new evse
check your home CB, the voltage output on the outlet you are using. If you can charge anywhere away from your home, using your cable, then the car and cable is OK.
Replacement cables are pretty cheap now, if you prove it’s the cable, then replace it. You could also take it apart and inspect it. We know the system works on a commercial charging station, so the cars charging is normal.
It's possible, I suppose, but highly unlikely. Google shows his county with two cases so far, both recovered. So far, in our county, 0.057% of residents have gotten it (roughly 300 out of 530,000).