I was wondering if I'm supposed to be in a Toyota database as well as on my dealer's waiting list? I've read in numerous places online about people receiving keychains, letters apologizing for the wait, and other correspondence from Toyota. I haven't received anything. I've been on a waiting list at Longo Toyota since March 13th. I decided to call "The Toyota Experience" number to ask. I was given a case number when I called last Thursday since my order is not in that database. I called back again today for an update and was told that because I ordered after March 10th, I'm not eligible for the $300 rebate. That isn't even really what I asked, since I already know that. The person I talked to seemed to think that because I ordered after that date my name wouldn't appear in the database at all. Does this make sense to anyone? The rep who I talked to on the phone did give me $100 in service rebates that I can use after I get the car. I just need to fax in the receipts. Do any of you have any suggestions for what I should do now? My salesperson has no idea about that database either. -Tony
I was on a waiting list since april (just took delivery this past weekend) and i never recieved anything from toyota. no keychain or letter. i wish i had gotten the keychain, i really need a new one what was the number you called? thanks, Drew
Toyota maintains a database because they want to send out the occasional promo, and because they want an idea of how many people are really waiting to buy, with so many on more than one dealer list. But all that really should matter to you is that your dealer has you on his/her list (and you might want to be on several lists). Unless you want the worthless keychain, it should make no difference to you if Toyota does not have your name. They will get your name when you buy the car, so you can receive notices. Having your name on Toyota's list now will not improve your chances of getting the car, because the cars are allocated to dealers, not to customers.
haven't seen any mail from Toyota I now have a call in to our salesperson about our spot on the waiting list here in Albuquerque, NM. We put our deposit down early in April and was told it would be 6-8 months, but now that I see this conversation about the database I think it's time to check in with the dealer. So far I've received a phone message that says we're number 54 and they're up to 26, but I don't yet know what that really means. I have received precisely zero mail pieces from Toyota. I just want to make sure they haven't forgotten us.
I talked via email to my salesperson at Longo last week. He said that I'm number 116 on the waiting list now. That sounds like a high number but he also said they're getting 45 cars a month or so. I guess this means that I can expect to receive my Prius in late October or early November. It sounds like I don't need to worry about my name not being in the Toyota database unless they offer another rebate for increased MSRP on the 2005 models.
Just heard from the salesperson. At first he said it might be 6-8 months from *now* even though my deposit was in April and that's what he told me then, but later in the call he said 3-4 months. So I have no idea what's going on. They're only getting six to eight cars a month. SIGH. I think I'll check the national database next.
Ha! The dealer in Fargo gets one a month. I'm darn lucky I ordered early and only had to wait 2 months!
I ordered on 3/8/04 and the deposit was charged to my credit card that same day. When I got my car on 7/29 I realized that I had never received any notification from Toyota about the $300 increase and rebate. So, I e-mailed them from their website to verify that my check would be in the mail. I got a response that the order wasn't entered in time so I wasn't eligible for a rebate. :x The story from the dealer is that they are working with Gulf States to rectify the problem because some orders got messed up and had to be re-entered a few days later. Someone owes me $300 and I'm patiently waiting another week or two for them to figure out who. I'm not paying for their error. I didn't get any keychains or other items during the wait, so I have no idea how they are managing the customer data.
My main concern now with still not being in the national database is if there is another increase in the MSRP for the 2000 model year and then a subsequent rebate for those already in the database. I already have a case number open with them so I hope if that happens they'll be able to help me. At least they gave me $100 in maintenance/service rebates (I guess I just fax them receipts) for calling them since they weren't able to help me with my problem.
I was on the waiting list at two dealers. The first with a long list 8-9 months in my case took my deposit cashed the check and put me on the data base. The second had a short list 6-8 weeks (I was offered a car in 4 weeks that was not the package I wanted) took my credit card number but never ran it. I got my car 5 1/2 weeks. As near as I can tell they did not put me on the list. It appears to be up the dealer. The second dealer does not need to bother they are selling cars as they are delivered and have very few on a wait list. In fact I was cruising their web page last weekend and they had a Driftwood BC (04 #9) listed as in stock unsold. I would guess if you are not on the national list and want to be you could ask the dealer. You get a nice key ring and email if you need more of that. I think I am going to put the Fords keys on it and I can imaging I am driving a HSD Ford Exploror. May be when I get to the top of a hill I can put it in neutral shut it down and drive in "stealth" mode. If the hill is high enough.
Let's hope so I contacted 8 dealers within reasonable driving distance through the Toyota site , 3 have not responded. Of those that did, the wait list is 25 - 80, those with a longer list seem to be getting cars in at a greater rate leaving the potential delivery time about the same. One dealer said he doesn't keep a list and only orders when people put down a deposit. Back to the "go rural" plan, this dealer isn't in a high volume, full of rich folks area and since he has no demo, people are shy to buy without driving first. He said the last 2 he delivered were the color and package requested. His next delivery is Sept and I'm # 2 on his 'list' having sent in my refundable deposit. He charges MSRP. Of course this does sound a bit too good to be true, so I'm a bit wary of getting excited about delivery this year, but heck, some people have gotten lucky! I'm getting on a couple of other lists just in case ;-)
I might have misunderstood what my salesperson meant. What he said to me in email was: " I did check the list and you are currently number 116. We do get about 45 cars a month with cancellations filled. I'll keep ya posted." I'm not sure what he meant when he said "with cancellations filled." Then again, he could just be exaggerating. I'll ask again where I am on the list in a month.
No way. They sell well over 1000 vehicles a month (I did a quick Internet search and found that they're expected to set a record by selling over 20,000 vehicles this year). So I know he didn't mean that. Maybe he was just exaggerating. He's normally a Psion salesman... I'm not sure how I ended up ordering a Prius from him but that's what happened.