Hey there, sorry if this question is repetitious in any way, I tried scanning all the forums for the answer but so far it seems to me very inconclusive and mighty specific. I am wondering if there is anyway besides a tape adapter or FM transmitter that I can hook up my iPod to my 2004 Prius. It is one with an 'everything' package (not sure the #) so it has the navigation, bluetooth as well as 6-CD changer. So basically, is there anything I can do to put an iPod in my car--I don't care if I can't control it using the steering wheel controls. I read that there might be a way to do it but that it would disable the functionality of my 6-cd changer? Thanks very much for any help, I've been trying to do this for awhile now...
There's a couple of devices, one is by DICE (about $159) and the other by VAIS (about $299). Both will work with your 6-cd changer and will allow controlling the iPod on with the steering wheel and MFD.
http://www.diceelectronics.com/ http://www.vaistech.com/ aaf almost said it all... the links should say the rest.
Thanks very much for the replies. Does the DICE one work through the radio (for slightly lesser sound quality) or directly into the stereo (for better quality)? Anyone know how easy it is to install?
It's plugged into the radio. Both are fairly easy to install. Just remove the lower glovebox and the vent to the right of the stereo (looking at the radio, facing forward) and if you wish, that box behind it but I couldn't remove the screw so I just wiggled my hand between the box and the radio.
both the Vais and the Dice opperate in basically the same manor. They both plug into the back of the radio/MFD, and then into the iPod. they both give you steering wheel and MFD controls of the iPod. they poth provide sound at the same quality level as the iPod lineout (minus any quality decreases inherant in the system that you would get from other sources, like radio or CD).
Also both have an AUX input, where you can connect something like a Sirrus or XM radio (unless you've got a built-in which plugs into the cable that attaches to the radio).
Sorry to bump this old thread, but I have a 2004 that does not have a CD changer - can I still use the DICE?
I installed a DICE unit for a customer in a Prius with the basic stereo unit. It worked Very well and actually impressed me (something which is NOT easy to do with aftermarket devices) I thought the functionality and control were easy to learn and worked very well giving the user lots of information on the Muti Function Dispaly unit and integrating very nicely with an iPod. I have not had opportunity to test with other types of MP3 players, since the customer had only an iPod. When the day comes that I finally give up my 97 Tacoma, my next car will be a Prius and the DICE unit will be one of the very few aftermarket add ons I will consider. (this coming from a true Toyota Purist, I prefer to see Toyotas left just the way they were designed, Makes it easier to fix 'em)
Welcome to PriusChat! Yes it works. you can contact vagabond here on PC, he's a DICE rep. Another Prius technician. Welcome! Perhaps you can put that title under your name (where it currently says Senior Member")
Any preference over the Neo Pro Link (for 2004 Prius on icarkits.com), VAIS or DICE? (I'm still catching up my car to my nano).
I am in the UK, have an 04 T Spirit, 6 Disc Changer etc. I have a Zune, not an iPod so am only really looking for aux in. Apprently there is a way to plumb into the CD changer without buying one of these pricy options? any idea? I do not expect to be able to use the on screen display or anything, simply want to b able to play my MP3 Player without a cassette adapter or an fm transmitter!
The cassette I got is rubbish - the tape keeps 'turning over' - I think the bits that turn do not turen as easily as they should, so each time the tape gets 'turned over' I get an interuption . . any ideas on plumbing Aux straight into the CD Changer? i have had a look on here, but can find no conclusive direction
I have the Vais unit in the Lexus, we'll get one for the Prius too. Its awesome! I have the iPod unit that controls the iPod and the Aux in for the Sirius radio I already had in the armrest compartment. Works beautifully. The installer tha put it in says its the best aftermarket unit he's ever seen. I did a LOT of research into DICE vs Vais. The Vais seems to be more reliable and their support is better, and the unit even when you hold is is much more solid and OEM looking than the DICE. Since I was having it installed into the console professionally, I didn't want it to fail and have to have the whole car taken apart again to get to it. We're going to get the Sirius with the AUX-in for the iPod in the Prius.