New guy from Indiana, backstory is this was a car I bought my wife 3 years ago for her commute. Got her a new ride and took this car as my daily driver to save gas over my truck. Decided to add some DF210 springs and some Racing Hart TRD 19x8" wheels. 0514201820_HDR by 2013PiP posted May 14, 2020 at 9:35 PM 0514201820 by 2013PiP posted May 14, 2020 at 9:35 PM 0514201820a_HDR by 2013PiP posted May 14, 2020 at 9:35 PM
It's been out since the early gen3's. @The Critic has Winter Gray Metallic on his early Gen3. But a nice color if you're a fan of Gray.
I can see that. The first picture does look dark blue but yeah, it's Winter Grey Metallic, launched with the 2010 Prius. If it makes you feel better @bisco, WGM has a "8" first digit in the colour code, so it is based on blue (800 series is Toyota's colour code for blue)
It is indeed WGM, actually the paint is in very poor shape. It was my wifes commuter for 3 years at 30k per year. I need to repaint the front end and when I do that I may add a Prius Plus aero kit.
I had planned for 18", but these popped up NOS on eBay cheap. These were 2004/2005 TRD wheels offered for the Celica and TC. I couldn't pass up the price I got for these wheels.