Hi all, Stumbled onto the forums a few weeks ago and have been lurking since. Glad I did! I was planning to get a new car this fall and had my sights on either a Jetta, G6, or pre-owned 330i. Luckily my girlfriend "convinced" (coerced is such a strong word ) me to consider the Prius. Admittedly, I've hated how it looked since it first came out but it really grew on me over the past few months. After a few weeks of research over the summer, I found this forum which only served to seal the deal. I'm now waiting on a Silver `07 Package #5 (all but leather), expected mid-October. While it's a bummer I'll miss out on half the tax credit, I'm absolutely stoked about the day it finally comes. This will be the first car I've ever owned. Pretty good choice for a first, don't ya think? I stretched my budget a little more than I wanted to get the nav (I would undoubtedly regret it if I hadn't, even though people's opinions on it appear to be mixed), so i'll have to wait a few months to get my finances back on track to shell out for the stiffening plate, Wet Okole seat covers, and a list of other accessories/mods I'd like to get. Looking forward to sharing my experiences and continue reading about all of yours. -Andy
Hi Andy, Congratulations on your purchase! I too ordered a silver Prius that should be delivered mid-October, so I know exactly how you feel. I'm driving a Rover 45 now, which is fine but boring and actually a little bit too big for my garage. Hang in there, just one more month
I'm waiting for my purchase as well; mine is slated to come in November hopefully before the holidays. I've ordered the 07 Seaside Pearl #5 as well. Definitely looking forward to my new ride as well!
Welcome and congratulations! You won't be disappointed that you picked the Prius over all the other cars you were debating getting. [Package 7 is the one that comes with everything but leather (Package 8 being fully loaded with everything including leather)]
I just called my dealership. They received the car yesterday and I can pick it up next Thursday. I'm so excited, this is going to be the longest week of my life.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(InfideNino @ Oct 3 2006, 04:57 AM) [snapback]327222[/snapback]</div> My car is just a few days away also. Should be at the dealer by weeks end. I have never seen so many excited people about a car. Of course I feel the same way about my Mac. Joe
I'm waiting on my 07 magnetic gray and while it wont be the first car ive ever owned it will definately be the first new car. congratulations
Hi Andy R You won't "miss out" on the tax credit. You will be eligible for $1,575 credit provided you meet the other IRS requirements. And, that ain't "hay."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Andy R @ Sep 13 2006, 10:55 PM) [snapback]319314[/snapback]</div> I just walked into a Socal dealership yesterday hoping to test drive a prius. I had been thinking of getting one for about a year but to that point had only read about them in mags and online. The idea of gettting on a waiting list had not crossed my mind. i figured at some point availability would increase. I walked out with a silver 07 package 5. It was my first try. Kizmet! . My neighbor tapped on my window while i was syncing up my phone with the bluetooth and told me about Prius chat and here i am. Wow the bluetooth works way better than i thought it would. I have not ventured into the talking navigation yet but I am only about 12 hours into ownership. Yea, i know i missed out on about 1550 in tax writeoffs. But, I don't feel like i lost out because i had no intention of buying one three days ago. Three days ago i was still pretty happy with my wagon.
Actually I'm probably the most antsy person on the board when it comes to getting their Prius. All four tires need to be replaced on my Merc Cougar. Enough so that the front driver side tire sprung a leak Friday before last. Took it in to a gas station and they sealed it. It didn't stop the leak but did slow it to the point that I needed to fill it once ever 1.5 days. Yesterday I said enough of this and went back. Upon further inspection the rim is cracked in two places. One of which is leaking air. Also they showed me the tire. There is a high possibility that it could blow at any time. Did I mention that I do Dell warrantee work? I put on about 100 miles a day. So to repair it now is $250 for the rim and $150 or so for a new tire. Suffice it to say I'm not spending that kind of money on a car that will be traded in between Oct 4th and Oct 11th. So here it sits, at home, waiting to be traded in. I borrowed a air tank from my uncle that I can fill up with about 110PSI at the gas station and keep it filled until the final run to the dealer. In the mean time, god bless her, I'm carpooling with my mom and using her car. However I may have to break down and get a rental. We'll see. I'm convinced that my Cougar knows that its being traded in and is pissed. (Can I say pissed?) This car can NOT come soon enough. God knows I've waited long enough. I put my order in January 28th
Hi Y'all, I really understand your excitement. Trust me when I say the Prius is hardly the first new car I have purchased. At my age it certainly should not have been But it certainly is the first car that I was excited enough about to actually order and wait for one. We have been driving it for just over a month and it has been very nice. I am now running almost 50 MPG (49.8) and most of my driving is highway. I am still finding neat little features! This IS the place to come for all your answers and I hope y'all will agree with us that this car is worth the wait! One person I know told me with the price of gas going back down he thought I made a big mistake, I explained to him the price would not stay down for long and even if it did this car is producing 80% less air polution and that made it worth any "extra" money I spent on it. End of discussion. Enjoy!
I talked to my girlfriend and it looks like we're going to take the Prius for a rather fun test drive the weekend after we get it. We'll drive to Epernay (just below Reims, in France) and load it up with champagne for ourselves and our friends. There's a great vineyard we've been to twice before, nice people and terrific champagne, so we are very excited. Then we'll get a hotel and drive back on Sunday. Anybody has any tips for the trip? Or maybe an estimate of how many boxes will fit in the trunk? I will try to post a story about the weekend after we get back.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(InfideNino @ Oct 3 2006, 05:57 AM) [snapback]327222[/snapback]</div> Grats! Looks like you'll get yours first. I called my dealer the other day and my order was on target for end of next week, but just for the heck of it, I asked if there were any incoming Priuses that were unaccounted for. Just so happens there was a Black Package 6 with bisque leather with no one's name on it coming at the end of this month. After seeing a rather sexy black one on the street the other day, I jumped on the opportunity and switched. It'll be an extra two weeks :blink: but I'm glad I made the switch. Now to look into getting an honorary membership in the Cool Chicks with Black Priuses club... surely they need a pool boy?
Hi Andy. Hope you enjoy your car as much as I do. It's been a wonderful experience for me. Winter's coming, and your car is new, so don't expect mpg in the 50's quite yet but it'll come. I'm in Illinois too and purchased my car in February. I started out mid 30's (which is still admirable) but am now in the mid to low 50's. I'm hoping I hit the 60's by next summer. Enjoy your car! I know how anxious the wait period can become.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Andy R @ Oct 6 2006, 03:17 PM) [snapback]329128[/snapback]</div> just a little heads up on the black car. I just got the silver 07 prius and still have my black volvo wagon. I live in san diego so the temp is usually around 70. the black car is an oven! It is significantly hotter in the black car than the silver.
Thanks for the kind words all! On the bright side, getting a Prius now and starting off with relatively lower fuel economy as winter approaches gives me something to look forward to as March comes around when a) it will have been broken in a bit more and B) mild spring temperatures will help the mileage. And ST8, thanks for the insight. You raise a good point with the higher temps on a black car, and I considered that before making the color switch. But from my experience with friends and relatives who own black cars in the Chicago area, it's actually not so bad in the Chicago summer. It's definitely a trade off I'm willing to make for a color I've grown to prefer.