I just replaced my head gasket in my 2010 Prius. I drove it about a mile or two to let the fluids flush out any debris during the process. My next step is to drain the coolant and give it an oil / filter change. Alas I got a P0011 code while driving it a short while. This means the timing is too far advanced. Because our engines have hydraulic actuated variable timing, I'm hoping an oil change will resolve the issue. Especially because debris from the head gasket change likely fell into the some of the oil passages. However, if it doesn't resolve after oil change, then what should I check and in what order?
It could be. Though I triple checked to see if the timing marks were all lined up. I'm thinking it is the VVT (Variable Valve Timing) solenoid. I was hammering the new spark plug tube seals in the valve cover and I think I damaged the VVT solenoid. In fact, when I went to remove it, I found it was broken. New one coming in a few days. Will keep updated.
I'm pretty much completely in the dark on those. Have you learned anything about them, how they work, how it failed?
Variable valve timing - Wikipedia ^ I've got a little "light reading" for when we get back from walking the dog.
Thoroughly described in the New Car Features manual (more info). Part of it pasted in the thread of the guy who was selling one that's better because it's red.
I don't think this is normally a part that fails. What happened is I was hammering in the new spark plug tube gaskets in the valve cover and consequently damaged this little solenoid. It's a $90 part. Luckily it is one of the easier parts to replace on the whole engine since it's right on top and secured with one bolt.
I've occasionally noticed (usually during warm-up IIRC, just a block or two from home) a momentary kick-in-the-pants acceleration boost. Probably that VVT shifting to advance.
I'm not sure how one would decide that explanation is more probable than any other, unless it was by having Techstream hooked up and datalogging the valve timing, and reviewing the graph to see it abruptly change at the same time you noticed the kick. In winter weather, I am sometimes a block or two from home by the time the engine first catches and makes more power than MG1 is using to spin it. That's the kick I usually feel. (That's one thing that's more convenient in a conventional car: if the engine's not going to start, you find out in your driveway. Back when my Gen 1 was old enough to be a little balkier starting some days, I would find out three blocks down the road when the ECU finally gave up trying.)
I just got this code after an oil + filter change and adding restore oil treatment. I researched it some but apparently not enough. When I looked up the code I watched a video that said it's likely the pcv valve and some other info but what I'm wondering if I should start a new thread with my issue actually. Has anyone else used oil treatment and had a result like this?