The instructions say to connect one lead into the 12V (usually positive) and one lead onto the chassis (usually ground). However, last time I had to jump-start the battery, it only jumped when I connected the leads on to the 12V terminals, so I figured I'd follow that way. I was wondering how those of you who've owned the batteryminder for awhile are doing it. Is it okay the start the car while the batteryminder is attached? I started it (not a full start) to roll down the windows. I heard a click but the batterminder seemed to be fine.
I connect my battery minder directly to the battery terminals under the hood. Positive/Red first then Negative/Black...then plug in the minder to the wall. I do not plug the minder in before connecting to the battery. I would not make a habit of it...and, if you're only going to roll down the windows, you do not need to go all the way to READY mode, just leave your foot off the brake pedal and push the Power button twice. Remember to push the Power button again with your foot off the brake to shut everything down. Accessory/ON mode is fine for limited use, just don't leave the car on 12V for extended periods. It will actually shut itself off after a certain amount of time to avoid running down the 12V battery.
Yup, thanks! That's what I meant, I just didn't know the right terms. I had it on Accessory mode to lower the windows. And yes I powered off the car after I lowered the windows.
Just for the record, you more'n likely had it in "On" mode: Accessory: one push of start button without foot on brake, just powers radio On: two pushes of start button without foot on brake, powers most everything, but engine won't start Ready: one push of start button with foot on brake: fully on, engine will start