2020 Prius I bought in Feb and has 14 miles on it. Yes 14 miles. I came home from my lake house to my primary residence after 3 weeks and the car was dead. Key fobs wouldn’t open the doors, charging door wouldn’t unlock. Jumped the car and she started right up and the battery was at 83%. Took the jumper cables off and it ran fine - put the heat on and it switched from battery to ICE no problems. Shut the car off and - dead. Jumped it again and let it run for 15 and took it out for a 3 mile spin. Shut it down and all was fine. Started fine, ran fine. Shut it off and started it up 2 more times and all worked fine. Any ideas?
If you're going to park it for more than about a week at a time without running it, probably need to get a 12Vdc car battery tender.
Yes, the 12volt battery died. You can search this forum for many identical episodes. Think 12volt battery maintainer/tender as PP suggested.
So now let me ask you this. I took out my battery tender and put it on the battery - and the light would only blink red which means something is wrong with the battery and it won’t charge. Steady red means charging. Was that because it was dead/dead? I’ve never tendered a Prius but just lifted the hood and hooked it up like a normal car. Appreciate You guys chiming in. Dave
Yes. Given the circumstances, this is not "weird" at all. While the dealer had it, they didn't care about keeping the 12 V charged. The initial 14 miles you drove did not charge it up either. The small drain while sitting for 3 weeks was the last nail in the coffin, so so speak. I think at this point you might want to try and get a 12 V battery replacement under warranty.......without bothering to mention the 3 week downtime. Or just pay for a new one. OR......if you must.....borrow a bigger charger to kick off charging the dead battery for a couple of hours and then connect your tender and see what happens.
Could be that the dealer didn't maintain the 12V charge while it sat on the lot. Putting 14 miles on it didn't help, nor did letting it sit for 3 weeks. That being said, a new, fully charged, 12V battery should do the trick. EDIT - Looks like Sam Spade posted the same info at the same time. Freaky, man...
unfortunately, we have finally found the gen4 achilles heel. there is too much quiescent draw on the 12v, and it cannot sit unused nearly as long as past gens
Since we don't know the initial state of the 12V battery when the car was purchased, I don't necessarily agree with this statement.
Texted the GM of the dealer. He said - batteries aren’t under warranty - go buy one and let me know how much it cost. So now the question is - which battery should I buy? Suggestions?
if there weren't so many, i wouldn't have made it. but the little bit of testing that has been done in the prime thread shows a massive current draw when off.
Dealership doesn't have the battery? Maybe strange-but-true: seem like a lot of people are finding that. Do they at least have a recommendation? I'd concur with all the earlier responses, regarding time the car sat on the lot, and the very long hiatus after purchase; that'll do it. Check it with an electronic load tester, either automotive retailer (free), dealership (maybe 1/2 hour labour), or you can purchase something like solar BA9.
I find it hard too believe the battery is not under warranty! Tell the dealer to get one and install it. Your car is new. My 2020 sits for three week stints without issues! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The HV battery is at 83%, but that's not what caused your issue. Your 12V is flat, and the 12V battery is what gets you going--operating the electronic door locks, booting the computers and closing the relays that bring the HV battery online. From the point your HV battery is online (READY shows), your car behaves normally because the HV battery has a healthy charge. The HV battery will be charging your 12V, but it is very slow. And if your 12V battery won't take a charge, you really only have two options: you can try and have it reconditioned or replace it. Or you can jump it every time you shut the car off...
Did he KNOW that this brand new vehicle only had 14 miles on it ?? Is HE going to pay for the new battery ?? If so, get it from HIM......and let him not bill you for it. Try not to make this harder than it IS.
If you bought it new in February, your battery should covered under warranty. I would call Toyota North America, if your Toyota dealership won't honor it.. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.