So My Uncle Prius 2002 Has These Reading He Let His For 3 Weeks Because Of This Virus. He Put His His Tecstream On Last Evening. These Readings Are Weird On These Blocks. Any Ideas? He Lives Near Indianapolis. Do You Know Any Ideas What Problem Could Be? He Jumpstart The Prius Because The 12V Was Dead. He Did Have The Water Pump Replaced In March Because The Inverter Was Overheating And The Was P3130 And It Was The Water Pump!
I believe that @TMR-JWAP is pointing out that you likely attached the wrong screen shot to your post. The Tire Pressure Management System was not available on the Gen 1 Prius, but your second screen shot shows tire pressures at the top. Furthermore, the date on the bottom of the screen shot of 12/23/19 is before any of this corona virus stuff became evident. Assuming that the first screen shot was actually from the 2002 Prius, my guess would be that your uncle's HV battery has corrosion on its connections to the voltage sensing wires. You probably need to take off the metal case and take a look.
Ok, so your Health Check screen shows only 2 blocks contain weak modules (at least that's what I'm guessing, for a Gen 2, Trouble Codes in the range P3011 to P3024 relate to the 14 blocks contained in a Gen 2 battery, I'm not as familiar with Gen 1, but since it has more blocks, I'm guessing P3006 refers to Block 6 and P3017 refers to Block 17). I'm not sure why your first screen shot appears to show many more weak blocks (9 by my count), the 2 reports don't appear to be consistent. In any event, I would still expect either you (after taking proper precautions, of course) or someone you hire will have to open up the battery, clean up any corrosion and probably replace at least 2 modules. That's if your uncle decides it's still worthwhile to spend more money on his 18 year old car with 250k miles.
The zeros and 20v readings are min and max range for the readings. There's most likely a significant problem with the wire harness, the harness/ecu plug and socket or the ecu. Gen1 plug/sockets on the ecu have been known to fireball. Regardless, the battery needs to be disassembled and inspected, repaired or replaced.