Looking for suggestions on a new set of tires. Good MPG and low cost are important factors. Replacing a set of Bridgestone ecopia's that only got 36K miles out of. Good ride but they didn't come close to the 70K warentee. Discount sounds like they will do me right on the next set.
Then you added "long tread life" as a third requirement. This might be a tough order. If Bridgestone is going to make good on their warranty, it is HIGHLY doubtful you will be able to beat that price. I think there are a couple of threads on here about recommended LRR tires.
There are LOTS of threads on this subject. I will say I have not changed my mind since I recommended the General RT43 a few years ago. Just had to buy a new set for my daughter's car. They wore fantastically, gave decent mpg and are a comfortable ride. More than that, I redid all my research recently and the General still stands out. LRR, bah. There is no standard for that rating and tire makers put it on whatever they feel like. The two "supposed" LRR sets I bought, one from Goodyear (fuel max?) and one from someone else, brand escapes me (but it was major brand), did no better than the General on my Prius. But, I have recommended this tire for years, and most people nod, agree it sounds good and then go and purchase a MUCH more expensive Conti or Michelin. Your bucks, waste it as you want. General Altimax RT43 -- review | Page 4 | PriusChat
I have been browsing tires for my Honda Fit. I'm going to need some at some point. This crisis has reduced my driving the last few months so much, that I think I still have more time. But probably should buy before winter. Anyway, at my local Discount Tire, the General Altimax RT43, goes for $102 a tire. Which kind of frustratingly put's it in limbo. It's not among the really cheaper priced tires...Cooper, Falken, Ohtsu, Toyo , Hankook, Dunlop all less than $100 a tire, and then compared to what I would call the mid-range, Yokohoma's, we're only talking about a $10 dollar difference. For my Honda Fit choices, it's only significantly cheaper than the Michelins, that go for $140 a tire. Anyway, being at that price point makes choosing it difficult. With so many other choices < $100, sometimes less than <$90 or more. So for me the comparison isn't about going and spending more....it's more about why shouldn't I spend less? The tire warranty and reviews on many of those I mentioned are pretty comparable. If I wanted what I think is better? I'd probably spend the $10 more a tire for the Yokohama's. I think tires are REALLY important, especially as safety items. But I go back and forth, sometimes I feel, spend more for the tire that is supposedly better, other times I look at the Falken Pro G4 A/S at $84 a tire, with a 65,000 mile tread warranty and think...just buy those. I had decided a few months back, before the crisis that I'd go with the Yokohoma Avid Ascend GT's, really good reviews, priced right in the middle between the cheaper tires and the most expensive. But still about $30 more a tire, than the Falkens....so I waffle. .
If you read the LONG review(s) I did in the post I referenced above, you might see a reason to spend a little more on the General. It compares -- at least as well and possibly better -- than either the fat man tires or the Contis (actually Conti makes General). But, once again, I am tired of preaching the merits of the RT43, need to go walk the German shepard.
Well, I'm looking at Honda Fit choices, Discount Tires isn't currently offering a Continental choice. And I've seriously looked at the General RT43. They do look like a very good choice. It's just IMO at kind of a frustrating price point. Not really among the bargain or cheaper choices, only $10, $20, $30, less than the more heralded choices. I just have the instinct of either really going cheaper...or really going higher end. If the RT43's were $10 cheaper, I think they'ed be a really easy choice to make.
I have what's probably an unpopular opinion. I got $44 Milestar MS932 Sport tires made by Nankang, and they're quite good. I haven't noticed much difference in mileage from the Defenders that were on it before, and they're pretty quiet, they feel solid and grippy, and the price for a 530 UTQG with a 50K warranty can't really be beat. I have about 20K on them now, and they've still got plenty of life left.
There are some "sleeper tires" out there. IIRC, Big O (a tire chain that I think concentrates west of the Mississippi), used to sell a low-priced tire that a friend of mine who managed the store clued me into. It was a fantastic tire, fantastic price, fantastic performance in the snow, wet, ice and even summer! Unfortunately, the O had trouble competing against Les Schwab -- another big Western tire chain and closed the store that was near me and Ernie transferred to a Big O in Oregon. I know when I purchased the RT43 for my daughter a few months ago, the price was well below the Conti and Michelin's of the world, but it was above the Milestar-type. But, since TireRack and Consumer Reports, as well as all the rest are still touting the quality of the RT43, I would not be surprised if General hiked their prices.....IIRC, got all four out the door for my daughter's car for around $325, but that was with a $75 rebate, which I received in a week from General. But, just for giggles, I just went to Big O's Web site and was quoted $78.99/each$315.96set of 4 for the RT43 for the GenII Prius....and -- plus -- there is a $50 rebate available.
Don't know why so defensive. I'm not trying to say the Generals aren't a good choice. Discount Tires however has them currently priced at $102. I think they price match. If I can get a set of the Generals for <$80 a tire, that well may be my choice.
Not being defensive at all. Sorry you took it that way. I do have a quirky sense of humor. Maybe comes from being the youngest and most beat upon brother in a family of five boys! But, my poor mom...and speaking of topic drift. Anyway, I am tired of talking Prius tires and will not comment further on any "best of" for the prius. Now, Subaru tires....