The first movie theaters they are opening up in this area are drive-in movies. The last time I went to a drive in movie, I had a first generation Prius. I parked, turned off the engine, then turned on the radio (the movie sound is broadcast over FM). When the movie was over, I started up the car, but it wouldn't start. The 12V battery had been drained too much. Now I'm considering going to a drive-in movie again, this time with a Prius Prime. I don't have a battery near the end of its life this time, so I'm not sure it will do the same thing. In any case, I'll just leave the engine on. Since the car isn't moving, the engine will be off. I will and only start up for a short while if the 12V battery drains too low.
Sounds like fun. I haven't been to a Drive In theater since I was a kid in the 70's. Would it be possible to bring a portable FM radio? You could then turn off the Prius totally and listen using the battery power of that device.
Why not just leave it in READY Mode, turn off the headlamps an dim the dash? That way you have the climate control if needed.
It will do the same thing--i.e., run the 12V battery down--except that Toyota has put a timer on the use of the Accessory Mode (accessories ON, powered by the 12V only) that will shut things down after some timeout to prevent your 12V from going flat. Not exactly true--when in READY Mode ("on" in your terms), it will keep the Big Battery charged up. The gas motor does not directly charge the 12V battery. But, when in READY mode, the big battery will charge the 12V.
Yap, like what's been said. The car will shut off automatically if you keep it on ACC or ON mode too long. So, you have no option to keep the radio on on those two modes. The only way is to keep it on READY mode. If I were you, charge-up the traction battery full and drive to the drive-in on HV mode to save the traction battery SoC. This way, when the movie starts, you have full traction battery in READY mode not requiring the engine to come on for duration of the entire movie. BTW, is this Drive-in-theater a makeshift gig for COVID-19, or was it operating (and thriving) business from pre-COVID-19? I have not seen any Drive-in-theater in... well over 30 years or maybe longer around where I have lived.
Yeah, when you think about it, two or three AA batteries (in the portable radio) is all you need: why the heck have a couple of tons of tech humming away. Funny how we "progress"; this used to be the gizmo:
Depends on how you measure progress. Body shops loved those things. Car owners and theatre managers? Not so much.
I think I got it. Make sure the traction battery is near full and leave it on 'Ready'. The drive-in theater has been there forever. Some company bought a bunch of them in California and Arizona a while back and has kept them open all this time. The last time I went was so that my kids could get the experience while they still existed, though I was a bit embarrassed when the car wouldn't start. Now that they are back home taking their college classes remotely and since drive-ins are the first movie theaters California is allowing to open, I figure we'll try it again.
Maybe environmental issues? A lot full of Primes on a warm summer evening, all running on battery power and using AC? Roll down the windows, put on some bug ointment, turn on the portable radio.
Hummm, at that juncture, I will prefer sitting on a couch at home watching movie on Netflex. If I am camping, that would be a different story. I will endure bugs. But not for a movie viewing.
I'd love to go to a Drive In again. I grew up in the 70's, and we had Drive-In's when I was a kid, around the age of 10, but by the time I became a teenager, then adult they had pretty much vanished from the landscape. Of course as a kid, I thought they were great. Something almost like celebrating a holiday, like the 4th of July, arriving early then waiting for sundown for the movie to start. Yes, I remember my Dad struggling with those Drive-In movie speakers, trying to get them on the window. Then you just hoped you "got a good one" because sound quality wasn't guaranteed. My experience was limited to kid in young family. I think of course the appeal of the Drive In for older teenagers and some adults was more as a make out location. But with the innocence of youth, I just noticed that some cars had steamy windows. Even though the end result was the same. You're seeing a movie. The Drive In felt like a different experience. I saw the original Roller Ball with James Caan, Soylent Green with Charlton Heston and my favorite, Night of The Living Dead with a lot Zombies. Accuse my parents of less than sterling parenting, but to save babysitting, they would take me to these probably NOT age appropriate movies, always thinking I would simply fall asleep in the back seat. way that was happening. I was psyched just going to these movies. I still remember seeing NIght of The Living Dead, ( Loved Scary Movies ) being so impressed that at school during Show and Tell, I got up and started telling the 3rd grade class all about "Night of The Living Dead" sparing no details. When I got to the parts when Zombies were eating human flesh, my 3rd grade teacher struggled to get a hook, to get me off stage. I would assume there was a dynamic discussion during Parent/Teacher conference that year.
Ah yes. The drive-in. I remember those days. And one of my favorite Red Skelton mimes. (Starts at about 1:30)
... built into numerous cell phone models too. Though if one's cell-phone-FM can't pick up enough signal without headphones plugged in -- they commonly use the headphone cord as the FM antenna -- then each person in the car may need their own cell-earphone set.