For many Americans, health coverage is tied to a job — and now they have neither | PBS NewsHour
The REAL "other" health care crisis is that people are being told to shelter in place beyond a point where the risk assessment makes much sense. Sorry Nanna....that cancer screening is going to have to wait.
I can only hope the economic rebound is quicker and more robust than many are speculating. My friends wife was laid off, early in this crisis. She works for a company that manages/offers vacation rentals of homes. That business has obviously totally died, during a crisis of this nature. But she feels the lay off was just an action of survival for the company, and as soon as the world "hopefully" returns to normal, her job will return. It's not a guarantee, but it is what she hopes.
Stay home. Shut up. Force other people to bring you food, provide utilities and security, and pay the taxes for your UBI.