The scary thing is the "device" he has over his face looks like the male version of a G-string commonly called a 'banana hammock'. Joke's on him, I suppose....
Hopefully, she killed him before they had kids. Sticking your face in one of those doesn't seem like the best kind of intelligence to pass on to the next generation.
The women in our family who have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome poop a lot more often than that.
And others. Probably TMI, but for a couple years after some very nasty hemorrhoid surgery, I gradually tapered from 20+ per day down to 3 or four. Our family doctor's nurse told me once that she had the same thing done and, if she'd known what it would cause, she never would have had it done. Other people might go only every 2-3 days. But I think they must be full of it.
Absolutely. Mom had that towards the end. It was very bad. I was aiming at the more "normal" poop schedule folks. Isn't that the way it always is . . . .
That question was obviously written by a clueless male. If written by a normal female, it would also include the amount of toilet paper used by the much more frequent pees.
Is the frequent pees a thing with the other gender. I get up once a night -- maybe twice, but not often. But, seems wife is up every other hour. Of course she drinks tea all night until bedtime (to help her sleep....I know better than to point out the issue in that strategy). We are both 62.
I believe it is both age and gender, one gender typically ramps up earlier than the other. And more of the other gender croaks before the full ramp-up. Childbirth is also a factor.
We have a saying in my field. "You know you're a real missionary when tropical diseases are acceptable dinnertime conversation topics." I have one story about something we ate that would REALLY be TMI.