This is the first tank though my 08 Prius with 251k on it. It took 8.4 gallons and cost me only 16.50 to fill. I'm not going to lie my mind is pretty much blown with how efficient this is. My hours and hours of work seem to have paid off. I filled it right as the last bar started to blink
Good work!!!! My experience: once you get a used Gen2 sorted out, it is one of the greatest, most efficient and delightful cars ever.
Agreeeeeeeeeed Best car ever if it is all sorted now Totally glad I saved it from the mean streets of jersey Considering rewarding it with a tint job
A newbie's progress through the stages of hybrid ownership is always good to watch. In addition to the improvements you taken so far with the car, a big factor is climate. Low a/c and heat use during moderate weather means more energy is applied to moving the car down the road and not the sub-systems. In PA, you should see mileage decrease during summer with a rise again next fall before plummeting in the winter. Once you get the car sorted, look into "pulse and glide" and other techniques in this sub-forum that others have discovered pays big dividends in fuel economy.
Well you don't REALLY know what your efficiency IS having only the number of gallons used. You also need the actual miles driven to do the math. And the number of gallons used on a single fillup might not be accurate either.
Definitely will look into that I'm happy with these results this far though! Definitely worth the time I put into it!