After storing my Prius for 4 months (I put a trickle charge on the 12v battery), I am unable to start it. Weird stuff happens on the display like flashing and random icons being displayed. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I might try to start the car? Thanks for any help or suggestions.
sounds like the trickle wasn't trickling. is it making ready? do you have a volt meter? if the 12v is original, that would explain it. if the 12v is fine, you'll have to read the trouble codes. could be the hybrid battery, hopefully not.
How many amps on the trickle? Anything less than 1 amp or 1000 milliamps could require several days of charging. Trickle chargers are maintainers, and not meant to handle discharged batteries.
You need at least 2 amps or it will take forever. 4 months shouldn't have discharged the battery so much that a trickle charger couldn't bring it back to life. But if the battery is older, and weaker, then it's probably time for a new one. You could get an AGM charger for about less than $40. No more than 4 amps. Have you tried jumping with another vehicle? Let it sit on the jumper for at least a minute before starting the Prius. That will put some charge on it and allow the other vehicle's alternator to level out. What part of Florida? I'm central east coast. If you're close enough I could bring my jumper and charger and see if we can get it going.
" Trickle chargers are maintainers" Strictly speaking trickle chargers (per se) and battery maintainers are different animals. Trickle chargers do NOT shut themselves down when the battery is fully charged, and can actually damage the battery over time. Maintainers will back off charging when the charge is full and just float until the charge (may) drop enough for it to resume a charge.