Because of Covid-19 and self isolation I have watched a LOT of stuff. Recently watched a documentary a few years old about the VW emissions scandal. Hey, I love VW. The history of VW. The VW's from the 60's and 70's. Great memories of a 1969 Bug my Aunt had when I was a kid. Memories so good? I bought an old Bug as a 1st used car. But watching that documentary re-awakened just how horrible and sleazy, arrogant VW was. They basically blatantly lied to the whole world. No vagueness about it. New management, new ownership, claims of a whole new VW reality? Fine. But given what did happen, it's really hard for me to trust VW again. Not sure the punishment was enough to fit the crime. The moniker itself was so shamed. Regardless of what the product was, really hard for me to even consider buying a VW. Might need a couple decades more to get over it, and by then I'll be dead, probably due to the NOT so clean diesel emissions.
Was it a US based film? In Europe, VW's diesel fleet may have been the least offensive. Still cheating bastards though.
Other makes may have been polluting more in Europe, but their regulations seem to be more lax in some areas. For one thing, the old NEDC test had a larger gulf between it and how cars are actually driven. A victim of VW's cheating in the US, that is mostly forgotten, was the chance of other non-luxury diesel models in the market. Mazda delayed their diesel for years, because they were working under the assumption that getting low emissions with simpler interventions was possible with the Jetta for sale. Honda simply cancelled the diesel Accord that had planned after the first hybrid version ended for the same reasons. I do hope VW BEVs success. Their investments make it seem they are the most serious of the traditional car companies when it comes to electrics. I just won't personally consider one, unless the ID buggy concept becomes a production model.
For me, it was just tough watching that documentary and footage of VW executives at the time, being caught so red handed that their only response was to say...Yes, we lied. To me it becomes a "personal protest". I acknowledge that VW has hopefully moved on, changed management and policy. But the crime was really a crime against the whole planet. Hard for me to forgive/forget in this short of time. I could never really consider buying a VW. I would really really HOPE and assume that any product today that VW introduces as being ecologically friendly or an alternative has been genuinely tested, vetted and is being represented as honestly as possible. But personally for me? It's "Too Soon" for me to forget the fraud.
Here in the US, we can't even memorialize Pearl Harbor day or 911 without being considered some kind of a crackpot. So .... mention something like the Bayer Aspirin company, Mercedes, or Volkswagen's creepy bad past from 80 years ago ... how long does one hold on. Heck - one could lose faith in VW just waiting for their Volkswagen electric van. .