My 2005 Prius has been parked for the last 6 months due to bad hybrid batteries. Ive got a brand new 12v battery in it but cannot start the engine to get everything flowing in there. Is there something I can do to get that engine fired up and run it for 20 or so minutes with 2 dead cells in my hybrid batteries?
Probably NOT......since the 12 V battery only "enables" the vehicle to start. It is the HV hybrid battery that actually turns the engine over to start it.
no, you'll have to repair the battery first. is the car making ready? are you getting the red triangle? the engine is the last thing to worry about.
After six months, why the need to turn over the engine at this point? Not sure what level of DIY you would be willing to consider, but you could buy a used HV charger and top up the battery. Though even after charging, that failed HV battery might not have enough voltage to turn over or start the ICE.
Getting the red triangle, abs, VSC, check engine and a few codes. i think P0A80 and P3013 are the active codes. The ready light was coming up last time i got into it Do you have any leads to where i can buy one for a decent price? I dont have a whole lot of time or money to be throwing at the prius right now. Also just to keep things charged up and moving but I supposed I let it go too long
Let us know what part of the US you're in and we can point you to someone to help you or loan you equipment to get the battery going again.
That would be awesome! I live near Ohio University in Athens, Ohio if anyone is around here. It's like Priusville around here
It looks like you might have 2-4 bad modules, a quick module swap and a top balance could get you into 'ready' mode again.