Don't see many of these on any cars in my area but was considering getting one to keep bugs, rocks, etc from messing up the front of my car. Any body have one and how do you like it.
i have one. i like it. there are paint chips on the hood after 20k miles and a number of road trips... but none on the rest of the front end. [edit: oops double post... i swear i hit the button once... :blink:]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(stanlwyjohn @ Oct 1 2006, 04:03 AM) [snapback]326409[/snapback]</div> It will fit but you have to remove the air dam at the bottom of the front bumper. I had the dealer install mine bacause I had heard the same thing. Then the dealer installed the air dam over the bra. Now I can't take off the bra :angry: . I'm considering the 3M clear bra to replace. Bra looks nice, but I would like to take it off to clean the car. I can't without removing the dam. <_<
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stan57 @ Oct 1 2006, 08:16 PM) [snapback]326618[/snapback]</div> Stan57, have you ever removed the air dam yourself??? if so, is it very difficult?? I've also heard that the front bra might fit if it is stretched tightly enough..... do you think it might? I really would like on for my '06, but dang, I just dont think they are going to make one to fit it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rangerdavid @ Oct 1 2006, 06:39 PM) [snapback]326656[/snapback]</div> No, I haven't tried it. I can't look now to see if it can be easily removed ( I just had hand surgery and am still in the "don't do anything" phase). I did go out and feel the dam. Without looking, just feeling, it felt like 3-5 bolts were holding the dam in place. I couldn't see if there were other things there. The bra fits pretty tightly as is without the dam. I was going to play with it before the surgery. Now, probably not 'til Thanksgiving. Maybe somebody at PC has done it. I'll also see if I can get somebody to look at it. I'm still considering the 3M clear bra, but I also really like the look of the leather bra. I may use both. 3M clear bra because it covers much more area of the car, and the leather because it looks good.
I have one on my '02 Merc Cougar. It has kept my car relatively paint chip free. There are some chips above the mask but at 62,000 miles.... Its not a a force field after all. The one thing to keep in mind is in the winter take it off and clean under it at least once a month if you live in a state that sands and salts the roads a lot like they do up here in Minnesota. A lot crap gets under that mask and can scratch the paint in time. All in all its a good investment so much so that I'm getting one for my Prius.
<_< hmmm! If the reason the bra wont fit the 2006 is because of the airdam! Why not just remove it? I dont know what the 05s had instead of the airdam,maybe nothing.I dont really know how important the airdam is,or if removing it will make the front end look alittle funny.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(stanlwyjohn @ Oct 4 2006, 05:21 PM) [snapback]328191[/snapback]</div> I went out to look as best as I could. It looked easy enough to remove and take off the bra. I couldn't tell if I left off the dam the car would look funny. I can't take it that far for a while. I think I remember other posters had suggested that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stan57 @ Oct 4 2006, 08:06 PM) [snapback]328226[/snapback]</div> I wish someone with a 2006 and a Bra would go out and take a picture for this forum so we could see exactly what the Air Dam is, and how the bra looks installed on an 06 model Prius. IF all it takes is removing a few bolts, stretch the bra in place and then reinstall the DAM, that is no reason to NOT buy the BRA. I will buy one if it is that simple. I have the same fear as everybody else, buying the bra and it not working then being stuck with it and out $100 or more.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(auart @ Oct 4 2006, 07:32 PM) [snapback]328230[/snapback]</div> I don't understand why Toyota would not now have a bra that would fit correctly on a 2006 or 2007 if the air dam is now different. Since I just got my 2007 I am going to ask my dealer what's going on. What's a good price on the Toyota bra? Joe
Took alook at this air dam today!will try to get a picture soon.Its a plastic piece the whole lenght of the front bumper area(just below the fog lights) that wraps itself under the chassis.Removing it looks easy enough and dosnt look like it will make the frontend look any different.Im thinking the dam is for the cars airflow but not sure.If all this is true then i dont see any reason to just removing the dam and installing the front end bra.I could easily replace the dam if i remove the bra.Any thoughts about this??? PS! I think the bra goes for between 150 and 200$$.
One thing that I did notice is that the dam takes some of the scrapes that the paint would take. When I exit my "steep" driveway the dam scrapes. As of now, the dam stays.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Merchant @ Sep 30 2006, 11:29 PM) [snapback]326358[/snapback]</div> Imagine, if Bill is this happy with a invisbile product, :huh: just imagine how happy you'll be with the "real" leather bra, not counting adding to the look of using real leather!! I have the real deal, leather, for my 2006 Prius and even though all the pro's say it doesn't/won't fit the 2006, all I can say it looks great and fits the way it looks.. I paid $149.00 from the dealer and couldn't be any happier....... I'm working on getting my camera going so I can satisfy all the "doubting Thomas's"
There is another thread right now where someone shows their bra on a 2006. They even posted the 2006 flyer that shows the bra available from their dealer. I guess they are now available. I had one on a BMW and though I liked the looks, it did eventually scratch the paint. I think I will go without on mine.
I just ordered an 07, Red #6. I asked the dealer about the bra and he told me he didn't know what I was talking about. I showed him the printout from the toyota website but he said he'd have to look into it. Figured I'd buy one myself directly from the site ( but now that accessory is gone for the 07 model? Is toyota not making them anymore?