Hey guys I drained my coolant, Then decided I needed to move the car. Engine came on for maybe 15 seconds or so, think that’s ok???
won't effect anything until the engine goes above the max temp. that takes quite awhile, you're fine.
Yes. Not a problem. Unless you dribbled a trail of coolant down the driveway where animals can lap it up. It is POISON if ingested and tastes sweet.
I wouldn't want to be a person that happened to, but if I were, I guess I would just fill it carefully back up, drive it easily for a bit to see if anything seemed changed, and if not, just be thankful for the luck. It's a little more complicated than just "until the engine goes above the max temp" ... the temperature sensor is in one place on the engine, and if there's no coolant there to circulate, it isn't reading what matters. The hottest spots develop over the tops of the cylinders (which can be a trouble area even with coolant filled, if it spot-boils and makes little steam pockets in those spots). But I would just go ahead and drive it some and if it seems ok, say a word of thanks and relax.
Thanks everyone for the replies, I believe I killed an outboard boat motor once running it out of water for about that long or maybe a few more seconds.............
thanks, quite aware of that aspect especially after the case here in ga of that woman that killed several husbands with it over time.......