Hi I have been offered a 2008 Prius with 180K/190K miles for a couple thousand dollars. I wanted to know whether if it would last me another 100K if it has been maintained well and has had regular service? What are the things I should look out for? Thank you.
it will last forever if you keep fixing it. how much cash do you have for repairs? the big three are battery, brake actuator and a/c compressor
Since no one wants to prod the elephant here, the major concern would be if the "Big" battery is getting ready to give it up -- meaning a repair/replace bill of about $3,300 or so, give or take. That age and that mile, that's the big thing to think about. If that doesn't scare you -- or if the battery has already been replaced, the Prius is one of the most reliable and trouble-free cars about lately. Go to the Toyota owners website -- the official one from Toyota and register yourself and the VIN of the car. It will give you a history of repairs done through Toyota dealers -- if any -- IIRC, sometimes it seems that repairs from elsewhere sometimes might it on that site, also. A car that old, lots can go, but again, the big concern is the traction battery.