So I put in my takeout order. While waiting for my order, I 'walked my Tesla' around the parking lot. One lesson learned, the car really wants to backup at least 6' before coming to me. If I park where it can not backup, the car fails. Otherwise, car and the staff were LOL as I walked the car around the parking lot. Bob Wilson
Video tomorrow as it is already near sun down: left turn, right intersection - SOLVED! Shocked the heck out of me! left turn intersection with dashed line - not tested, yet. adjacent lane arrow markers - exist! Surprised me! GPS-vs-Google Map speed change - still there, d*mn it! Bob Wilson
Yes, I’ve experienced that too. I like to park in more open areas of parking lots and tend to pull through, so the car is “backed in “ to the space. The last time I used smart summon, it backed up a few feet into the empty space behind me, then pulled forward and cut the corner of the stall. Granted, no vehicles were parked near me for the sensors to to pickup so I guess that’s okay in that situation.
Upgraded to HW 3.0 last week, Tuesday, and running 2020.8.5. There is a more advanced software released but not yet in general circulation. Bob Wilson