Just made a trip to norcal about 1100 miles today got the triangle. Here is the dr Prius screen shot. I also got the yellow ! Any help is appreciated.
Looks like a module in block #12 is bad. You'll have to deal with that eventually. Time to find a module and play whack a mole or replace the pack with new ones . Good luck and keep us posted .
If you already have modules, it sounds like this either happened before, or you knew at some point you'd have to do this activity. But at least you are prepared. It really isn't that bad if you have equipment to balance your pack and do the job right . The Prolong equipment works well for that.
Also of note, the IR (internal resistance) on all the blocks is quite high, almost double the value a new would start with. One of the consequences of that is each module will produce more heat (than normal) and probably have lower capacity. The failed one is very high, so this one is not a happy camper. I'd bite the bullet as I'd wager all the modules are close to failure. Get new after-market modules from newpriusbatteries.com ($1600) or new OEM from a dealer close (within driving distance as you will need to visit them twice, once to pick up the new battery and once to drop off the old core) to you ($1,625 – $2250). With a range like that it pays to shop around.
I have a prolong, gonna change out the offending modules and do the balance, gonna look at replacement pack around the end of the year. Any ideas in the yellow(!)? That just popped up. Just installed a stereo and a new set of bridhestone fuel savers and the pack gives up, wouldn't ya know...thank you again.
The ABS computer has noticed something not quite right. It would pay to ask it. I don't know if Dr Prius can read codes, but Torque Pro ($6 investment) can. When you have the code, let us know what it is and we can advise.
Well it does feel like wack a mole...I pulled the pack and #12 one was 6.99 and the other was 8.33 l pulled the 6.99 and one other module measured 8.09 at #10 I did find a broken wire on the harness side of #12 I'm sure that caused the low voltage...I discovered it on reassembly of course....I'm discharging with the prolong then balance I will update.....by the way I changed the battery on the remote and yellow (!) Went away! Thank you.
You might want to review Gen 2 threads to see what people think of GBB. Unless you are buying a replacement that contains all NEW modules (and not a cludge of second-hand 12 yo modules) off them, you might not be that much better off.