In memory of Greg Katz, the angriest man I've ever known. So I subscribe to fee based sources and this article may be behind a paywall: Don’t turn an imaginary argument into a real one. Ask yourself why you’re making someone else the bad guy. Realize that you’re really just arguing with yourself, and putting a different face on emotions you don’t want to own. Find a more specific word than “angry” to describe what you’re feeling. Unleash your temper in private if you have to. Wait until you’ve calmed down before confronting someone. Remove problem people from your life, then you won’t need grudges. When you remember what they did, be glad you don’t have to deal with them anymore. (*) You don’t have to judge someone if you know for a fact that they’re this side of a criminal. Let life judge them. Meanwhile, leave them alone. Don’t talk about them simply to make yourself feel better, or for some perverse form of entertainment. There’s more than enough misunderstanding and poor communication in the world. Don’t add to it by accusing people of saying and doing things they clearly didn’t. Anyone who treats a stranger like crap has a lot of anger issues. Don’t take it personally. Let other people’s little mistakes go. You make them too, all the time. If you think you’re perfect, that’s just because everyone else gives you a break when you screw up. You’re better off never making threats. Making threats is addictive, and every one you make means less. If you’re furious, seek beauty now. Make art. Deal with the thing that upset you later. Don’t complain about something you can change, through direct or indirect action. Greg was once asked "Why are you so cross all the time?" Greg answered, "My doctor told me it was better to give an ulcer than receive." But there is one thing I wanted to amplify: * - We have an "ignore user" option in the forum. When someone won't take a joke or counter opinion, use "ignore user." There are people for get 'positive' re-enforcement from opposition. I can't explain why but Skinner's rules on learning have shown such people exists. You can waste a lot of time with them when it is easier and more effective to just to "turn up the squelch." Regardless, as we head into the 2020 election season, we're going to see more angry outbursts. Use them for jokes or when that become tiresome, "turn up the squelch." Life is short enough and we don't have to be someone else's masochist: Masochistic Baby Shel Silverstein Oh, ever since my Masochistic Baby went and left me I got nothin' to hit but the wall. She loved me when I beat her, But I started actin' sweeter, And that was no way to treat her at all. Yes, she is the one that I'm dreamin' of, And you always hurt the one you love. And ever since my Masochistic Baby went and left me, I got nothin' to hit but the wall,… Bob Wilson
If people were able to filter adequately this forum would not have need for the day-care center (FPOP_P) and people would run screaming to the moderators with tear-stained cheeks and red, swollen eyes. I'm able to self-filter, and I've only used the 'ignore user' in the past when people post voluminously (usually cut/copy/pasted from somebody else's work) or are so obnoxious that I find the forum more relaxing with them squealched out. Right now? There's only one such person blocked. (Sorry,'s not you. You're not worthy of the effort...) People who do not tolerate contrary opinion are self-punishing........
I've got three but two of them have wandered off for over 1-2 weeks. At the end of the month, I'll do another survey and adjust the squelch. Sad to say, if the last would leave the empirical threads alone, the problem would be solved. I suspect the moderators appreciate feedback in spite of your panicked, hysterical ". . . tear-stained cheeks and red, swollen eyes." It is a question of 'signal-to-noise' ratio. Bob Wilson
Depends on the setting I suppose. I do not always consider contrary opinion to be “noise.” Set your squelch too high and you start “filtering” out valid data.
The previous forum software showed that there was a post from someone on your list, so you weren't left wondering why someone was angry with bisco.
I've noticed the ignore feature, or similar, on other forums. I'd never used it on any before. I'll go out on a limb and say that this site has more active members, and has been gathering them over more years than most of the others I participate in. Plenty of time to catch variety.
Do the post sequence numbers jump if there is an ignored post in the middle? I haven't tried the ignore feature so I haven't noticed. There are sometimes posts I disagree with for one reason or another, but rarely that traumatize me as ETC might like to suggest, so I don't really need to be shielded from them. I do have sort of a built-in filter that applies to some posters more than others though.
When I used it in the past, I believe post numbers did jump. But that was back before the most recent system migrations, so the answer could have changed.
I'm just going to say this.... I've been a Participant within Prius Chat for a lengthy time. And I've regrettably, I admit probably participated in some exchanges that de-evolved into undignified, or petty, unjustified, angry....pick your adjective- threads, and I was NOT wise enough to simply STOP posting. But in all my years, I've never put anyone on my ignore list. I don't want to become a symptom of the disease I just admitted to sometimes having by inflaming the conversation here, but IMO the ignore button always seemed cowardly. Like running away from a fight. And while I agree, sometimes the debate the conversation, just should end, I always feel the best way to handle it is to simply not respond to whatever poster, and quit the debate/argument. Even though I simultaneously admit sometimes reaching this point has sometimes come a post or two late for myself. Also maybe I believe in redemption, improvement, and that maybe that I was wrong. I think fostering the outlook that sometimes we may change or we may discover we were wrong is important. That is, I want to see the posts of even a user I often disagree with, believing in a future where I agree with them, or a topic, we have common ground on. I never really see a justifiable reason to "scorched earth" a fellow participant from my personal view. But OK.....this is just me. But basically I say, just personally choose to ignore if you really find yourself becoming frustrated or repeatedly disagreeing to no resolution of common ground. Just stop posting within that particular thread or in response to that particular poster. IMO, there is really no reason to HAVE to use an ignore button. In almost all cases, it's basically call and response. If you simply stop responding, the person you are disagreeing stops responding back.
They do and better still, any quotes in replies are also blanked out. This can lead to amusing thread postings. As a general rule of thumb, I agree with the goal. Just as a prisoner escort in the Marine and some of my 'blood kin,' I've learned some behaviors are exasperated by 'attention.' Ever see a toddler throwing a fit restart their whaling when they see you are paying attention to them? Same thing with some who never grow out of toddler stage. If you do or don't use 'Ignore User', it really isn't my problem. That is why I use the old CB term, "squelch." But I could also call it 'take an aspirin and call me in the morning.' If others can tolerate the toddlers, fine. Just we have the technical means to turn off at least my responses. Bob Wilson
Unfortunately, as with this site, I've also had to use "ignore" on a couple of people in my personal life.
Overall, I find Prius Chat to be a mature, well run site. Even if I venomously disagree with a poster, if I feel they are sincere in their viewpoint, they never reach a point where I would WANT to permanently ignore them. In short, I don't feel there are a lot of trolls here, and that makes a big difference. Again, I don't assume because I'm disagreeing with a poster in one thread, on one topic, I'm going to disagree with them in the next thread, or on a different topic. Also, I try to always remember something I think a LOT of people don't embrace in internet exchange. That something is...I COULD BE WRONG. For example, recently, ( I think it was one of your threads ) I posted that I thought a particular "joke" wasn't funny and that I just wasn't ready for Covid 19 humor. But a few days later? I was in a Covid 19 "jokes" thread, and I just had to change my mind. Damn, if some of the stuff wasn't hilarious, and I thought about how much we really do need to laugh if we can. so I did a 180 with my opinion. I guess my point being, I'm here to communicate, debate, share ideas. I just really, in 10 years, have never had a reason to exclude anyone from that scope. Worst case scenario? I don't need a button. I can ignore (not read) any post. As far as I know, all active participation here is totally voluntary. PS. Maybe with a Alanis Morisseete definiton of irony, I participate in some Sports Forums that DO have a lot of trolls, and I run into threads and posters I wish I could ignore, unfortunately those sites, do not have an ignore option. So I think my contention that an ignore button is really not needed in Prius Chat, is partly a testament to the quality of the community that regularly participates here. MAYBE someday, I'll run into a poster that I want to use the ol' button on, but it's been a decade and it hasn't happened yet.