it’s amazing how high diesel is compared to regular gasoline. They need to give our truckers a break during these times.
Got 8 inches of heavy wet snow/slush last night. Most we have had at one time all season. Poor outside animals don't know what is going on.
Our gas only dropped about 25 cents when I compared it to diesel, which had dropped a dollar. Normally, diesel is about the same as or more than premium gas, now it's lower. The only stations here under $2 for regular gas are membership places like BJ's.
It should be much more as it is a dirty fuel. It probably should not be sold as it is terrible for the atmosphere? Down with trucks and planes ! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I remember snow on the side of the road being black as a kid in the late '70s and early '80s. The mix of gas to diesel vehicles on the road then wasn't much different than today. They are both dirty fuels. The powers that be just gave diesel an easier pass on emissions for a longer time. But then the EPA doesn't test gas cars for particulates, and many of them emit enough to fail the diesel requirement.
All this diesel talk makes me remember arguing with my VW TDI owning coworkers touting how 'clean' their VW TDI's were. We all know how THAT turned out.
Well, VW were cheating bastards. The testing that caught them also showed that BMW diesels were clean and following the rules in the US. Emissions from gas cars have been clean for so long that people have forgotten had bad they were
Or the stuff that needs wiping since there wouldn't be any food either except for the few who can grow their own.
Given that we in California pay around $0.80/gal total for federal and state taxes, we are not likely to see prices below $1.00/gal here. Unless those negative crude oil prices somehow make their way to the consumer (right ... ). (referencing news item that there is such a glut of crude oil right now that producers have to pay others to take it off their hands)