Careful about sharing that one. is absolutely capable of this level of stupidity.....however (comma!) in this case the Michiganders are in the clear. DON'T GET ME WRONG.... "Fake News" actually DID broadcast this - but they used B-roll from another event..... A "different" kinda COVID joke.
A fridge too far - funny Actually its a fridge too close So we should be wearing our masks in the house. That way we wont be eating as much. Or pooping as much.
An oldie that feels different now than it did before COVID.... (Like every xkcd, it ends with hover text, over at the original.)
I'm offended and now need to find myself a safe-space due to this micro-aggression.... You obviously believe only men can be a good host and only men can be "physics" experts, while women are relegated to Biology and Chemistry. I'm very disappointed..........