Lots of people making home-brewed masks. This clever guy did a modification so he can still satisfy his urge to smell people's hair. Biden Cuts Hole In Mask So He Can Still Sniff People's Hair | The Babylon Bee
It seems that this "discussion" is getting a bit out of hand. Why hasn't it been closed........or moved to the "political" sub-forum where it rightly belongs ??
Absolutely. I have a close friend who lives across the river from me who just plain doesn't see that. He and his wife decided the other day they were tired of staying home so they took the camper and left on a multi-state vacation. They claim they're being very cautious because they use hand sanitizer after touching the handle of the gas pumps and the touch screens with their bare hands. No masks, either, as they are picking up some of their food from restaurants. Before they left they even drove up to Las Vegas to go shopping to get supplies for the trip from Costco and some Oriental markets there. Despite knowing about incubation periods and contagious stages they refuse to accept that someone who is free of symptoms could be exposing them to it or they could be spreading the virus themselves across multiple states. Guess who I won't be associating with anytime in the foreseeable future?
The Oriental markets might be comparatively safe, as a lot of the shoppers may be from cultures where mask wearing was already kind of mainstream.
That might be the case but my friends weren't. Additionally, there had been only three confirmed cases in Bullhead City (it's up to five now) and none here in Laughlin (still zero). They knew before they went that there were thousands of cases being identified in the Las Vegas area.
A prime example of: You can't fix stupid. BUT.....highly likely that both the sellers and buyers at the "oriental" market are US citizens, who's familys might have been here longer than yours have. Probably just as likely to pick up the virus at WalMart. Maybe more likely.
Up here the one nearby food retailer with a Covid case was Walmart (employee). T&T (asian food) market next door was ok. Lightening strikes wherever it likes.