I would say sure. Gas receives far more subsidies (over the life of the car) than electricity. Get the government out of subsidizing businesses.
I didn't get the full tax credit. Which is a credit I payed into the system. You didn't the pay anything for my credit. It was my money comming back to me. The Trump gas tarrif is a tax on American people at the pump. Just raise price of gas to the real cost. No goverment help. Let the cost go up on gas. This comparison between batteries credits and oil subsidies is not apples to apples. Gas is $1.19 a gallon at Costco today.
Sure, with the Rav4 Prime arriving, that $4500 was only going to be around for a couple of years more anyway. When gas hits $5 gallon without its subsidies, people won't need the help to rationalize a plug in. The US isn't energy independent now. Any statement claiming that is a lie for nationalistic cheering. We make about 13,000(thousand barrels) of crude a day. 3000 gets exported, but 6000 is imported. Counting total refined products with the crude, the export and import numbers equal out. We don't have the infrastructure in place to keep everything in country. The free market has decided it is better to sell some things overseas and import others. It's more profitable to sell gasoline made in the Gulf to another country than ship it to the West Coast. Then there is the details. The balance of individual products don't match up. On top of that, the only reason our fracked fields were able to grow was because we allowed them to export crude. Russia and Saudi Arabia are oil independent. The US is not. It could be, but only with massive government intervention dictating what is made, and where it goes. Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day) U.S. Imports & Exports And so what if some oil companies go under. The oil isn't going to go bad. Neither Russia nor SA can afford these low prices long term. Once the price goes back up, the caps will come off the wells, and we'll start pumping again. I fully supported filling the Strategic Reserve. Saw it as a win-win. It wouldn't fix the issues that shale oil producers were facing before this though.
Ideas for what? Force everyone into buying electric vehicle? Bankrupt everyone via $8/gal gas? Greta for president?
What does that have to do with the price of rice? removing subsidies is a very well founded conservative concept personally I think Annoying Orange could learn from the Blue Man group
What are your ideas for helping the US oil industry during these times? Letting natural market forces take their course is already hurting it, or are you just celebrating that gas is cheap again for yourself.
I'm asking what's the ultimate goal(s), true objective of that you call "helping the US oil industry". Cheap gas to please consumers? High price to please shareholders? Ultra-high price to please 'Gretas"? Keep people employed in oil industry? What? Rather pointless to discuss anything w/o specifying what we - as a country, I presume - trying to achieve.
I'm not the one that think it needs help. Neither am I the one making comments from the peanut gallery with strawmen.
I prefer discussions based on reason, and not “facts” shaped by goals. I do prefer for our government to not waste money. Either the money we pay in taxes, or increasing the cost for its people. Subsidies have their place, but energy isn’t one of them. Stop the subsidies, include the cost inflicted upon society, and let the market make the decision.
84 degrees F here at the moment with 74% humidity. Over 90 yesterday. I wouldn't mind a skiff if snow, but you're probably tired of it. Gas is mostly around $1.71 today here.
I paid $2.499/gal yesterday. But that was Premium no ethanol grade I needed for filling up our generator and couple Jerrycans. We had no power for several days from Nor'easter that damped 20 inches of snow last week and vicious wind up to 75mph on Monday. Our regular E10 gas is now at $1.499/gal.
Curious if you have seen many Prius Primes in MN. I have an acute eye for them now, but have seen only one other since January when I first ordered mine. It really is an amazing vehicle for a person with driving habits like mine, but few in MN are aware of it. I find myself not even caring about the price of gas like I used to. We have a newer Honda CRV in our garage that never gets used anymore because my wife and I look forward to driving the Prime in HV mode first and the Prime in ECO mode second. Just passed 1000 miles and have 5/8 tank remaining from when we picked the car up at the dealer. I am thinking about buying a battery tender for the Honda CRV.
There are a small number of them... 2 in our garage. A good friend of mine is going nuts waiting for a RAV4 Prime.
$2.36 at Costco Monday. But they had Charmin. One 30 pack will last at least 90 days in our household, so it should last through the next hoarding run by others.
In Wisconsin I have never seen a Prime in the Wild but Gen IV are finally becoming an occasional sight, though GEN II/III greatly outnumber the sightings. I actually did drive around a fair bit before covid and my first gen IV sighting was well into 2017. those new fangled things take a while to age into our state