Hi Guys, Just bought a Prius MK1 (NHW10) which was a Jap import in New Zealand in August 2003. Before I bought the car I knew that it has got a transmission oil leak. We have inspected it a bit more in detail. There is drain/vent hole on the bottom of the motor housing which is used for draining out any leak. The transmission oil is leaking through this hole. I have now kept the car in my garage and put a paper underneath. Will inspect this evening to see if there is any spillage. I will suspect that there might not be any spillage at all. I would think it would only happen when the car is moving and the transmission oil is churning. In order to inspect this leakage, the engine needs to be taken out. Understand that that there is a master switch on the back of the car attached to the main battery. Is it safe to turn the main battery off with the help of this switch and then work on the engine? Will that reset the Navigational system? What implication the main battery will have if it is turned off. See the problem here in New Zealand is Toyota does not want to know that MK1 owner exists in this country and other mechanics do not have much expertise to handle this car. Hence we owners have to be quite knowledgeable in order to service this car. If some one can share a service manual for MK1 or MK2 (NHW10 or NHW11), that would be the best. I would not think that there is a lot of change in MK1 or MK2. Understand that in US, people should be having MK2 service manual in English. Going back to my earlier query, I need to have this Transmission oil leaking problem sorted. Appreciate all kinds of help. Please let me know your thoughts. Kind regards
Transmission Oil Leakage Problem sorted Guys, Just thought that I will give you a quick update on my Transmission oil leakage problem. First we drained all the transmission oil and then refilled it. Then cleaned the affected area and drove the car for couple of days. What we are trying to do here is to identify where the leak is coming from. We found the bolt circled is where the leakage was happening (this is around the transmission oil tank). Took the bolt out, cleaned it and then put silicon on it and then put it back. There is no leakage problem now. It cost me NZ$50 to do the whole job. cheers
didn't this bolt origionally have thread sealant on it? If it goes into the actual transmission portion of the main drive assy it probably did. As such did you retorque all the rest of the bolts and nuts on the drive unit? and I assume that's the axle inner CV joint on the left hand side of the photo. Sounds like the car was a deal as I think you were quoted $500 to fix it origionally. Thanks for the update as it's something us Classic owners should be aware of .
Well Frank, I did not check the bolt to see if it had got thread sealant on it. It probably had. However interesting thing is when we drained the old Transmission Oil out, quantity was approximately 3.5 litres. I was not sure for how long the leakage problem was and do not think the previous owner had taken any care to the car (the oil filter was still the original Japanese make), hence I was glad to see that still that much oil was left. As I said before, we filled the transmission oil tank then drove it for couple of days. Then check again underneath. Oil was seeping through that bolt and just resealed it. Did not touch anything else. Hope it helps.
If I was you I'd have all the rest of the bolts retorqued. Probably less than an hour to do them all. I would discount the possibility of poor service as the Japanese are very particular about service to get an annual inspection. The OEM filter for them is probably in Japanese.