Newbie here. I just purchased a 2008 Prius with 114,000 miles on it. Excited about my first hybrid vehicle. Car runs great with no check engine light. Maybe I'm overly paranoid but I feel like the oil on the dipstick looks a bit odd. Supposedly it was just changed with synthetic. It doesn't look consistent on the dipstick - please see pictures. Could that just be the characteristic of synthetic oil or something unique to a Prius? Hoping someone can ease my concern. I would appreciate any comments!
Welcome to PriusChat!! Even new oil comes in a variety of colors/shades, generally the thinner weight oils are lighter in color. Some are so light that they can be difficult to see on the dipstick without finding a light source to reflect off of the oil on the dipstick. That oil may be on the dark side if freshly changed, hard to say without knowing what brand/weight or when it was changed. You could always change it again, or it may be fine for a bit. Both sides on the dipstick with read differently unless you check the oil after the vehicle has been off for some time, or overnight.
It looks darker than any newly-changed synthetic oil I've seen. Also, did you wipe the dipstick off before you measured it? If so, it has been overfilled. It is clearly above the full line in that one picture.
Thank you for your comments! I was thrown off by how we go from oil to patches that appear to have no oil on the stick. In past vehicles I've seen just a nice thick line of oil with no splotchyness. This is like really splotchy on the dipstick when it comes out. I was paranoid about maybe having coolant in the oil. I did wipe it. I've seen differing opinions on the oil level. Should the level be in the middle of the two points or at the top? Without knowing the maintenance history what preventative maintenance items should be considered on a 2008 with 114K? The coolant looks like a nice color of pink. The brake fluid looks fairly clean. The air filter is clean. I can't say of the plugs were ever changed but it does appear to run well.
If you DIY, i would just go ahead and change it out. Cannot go by looks all the time, however you can go by peace (piece) of mind Knowing what and when is in your engine is best case scenario
I agree! Change it out. the most accurate way to get a good oil level reading is to let it sit on level ground overnight, and check in the morning before starting the car.
ok - maybe I misunderstood the guy that sold it to me and it's old. So should the oil level be halfway up or to the top?
the level should be between the high and low marks. hard to tell in the pics, i'm almost wondering if the topped up the dino with syn.
Late to the party on this thread. But if it was me? Regardless of what I was told when I purchased, I'd simply change the oil-to synthetic, again. Either at a place I trusted or DIY....pic em. But the only way to really totally relieve concerns about what might be in your engine, is to drain what is in it, and know for sure what is being put in. Of course I would do a filter change, as well. I'm not sending up a flair after seeing the pics, but I would say that doesn't look like new, uncontaminated, full synthetic oil to me.
There's no harm in changing the oil, etc on any 'new to you' used car purchased. As for the photos: There's a big difference of color between Mobil 1 and NAPA full synthetics, as I've used both many times. I'm sure it's like that with other brands also. Initial colors in the golden brown range are useless to judge unless you know what brand is being used and what color it is when new. If it's black? Well, that's another story. It could also be something as simple as he changed the oil, but not the filter. Some DIY people do filters every second oil change. The gaps you're concerned about where the oil is beaded off some areas of the dipstick is normal. Inspect both sides of the dipstick, as usually one side will provide a clear indication of actual level. After looking at both photos, it looks to me like your oil level is right at the top mark.
The beaded off part was what threw me off. I swear have never seen that before and have been checking oil for 35 years. I've used both synthetics and conventional oil. I did find a sticker in the glovebox that shows the oil was Valvoline synthetic and it's due to be changed so it is old oil. Thanks everyone!
In addition to this, after pulling the dipstick, wait for 30-60 sec (or longer) to ensure any oil dragged up the dipstick tube returns back down. I notice only one side of the dipstick presents with that patchiness on the edges, which is the side toward the radiator. So I always read the side facing the ICE. Anywhere between the L and F marks will be meet the Toyota specification, but for me, as there are only 3.9 qts (3.7L; 3.3 Imp qts) in total, I like it to be towards the F mark. Some say that if you fill to the F mark about 0.5 qt (0.5 L; 0.44 Imp qt) will disappear somewhere, so they recommend filling 3.4 qts (3.2 L; 2.8 Imp qts) rather than the specified 3.9 qts. Do not fill past the F mark. In terms of safety and engine care any of these options would be acceptable. So, you choose what is acceptable to you.
That's very old used oil. After an oil change its very hard to see where the oil is its so clean. The metal dipstick is the same color of fresh oil. You must let the car sit overnight check it in the am before starting the car it will give you the true oil level very clearly. Just remove the dipstick and look at it not necessary to wipe it off. Keep it at the full mark always. Top off to keep it that way. Most older high mileage G2's eat oil its just a case of how much. Check the oil every Saturday morning for a few months till you get a handle on how much oil its eating. Run a g2 motor dry of oil becasue you had no idea it was an oil eating monster and it will kill the motor. See that alot on this site. Lots of motor replacements. People do not check there oil. No idea it was eating lots of oil. I have changed the oil on my bought new 07 about 25 times so far. It takes exactly 3.6 quarts with a new oem filter filled with oil. Good Luck.
Changed the plugs today. They looked original and showed normal wear for the mileage. Also checked the coolant and pulled 5 balls. I felt better after that. I had to work them back and forth to get them out. Going to take it to the dealer for an oil change Monday. I'll let them look it over good and take over from there. From what I can tell it's a sold car. Thanks again everyone!
Oh its a coolant tester.. lol....Have not vent used one of those in eons. In a G2 its easy. Dont test just dump the rad a few times. It will not invoke the dreaded air lock with is a real biatch.