Back story this winter I was going to do a job my GPS took me down some icy back road I started to slide I cut my wheels to the left to avoid going into a ditch . From that point on I felt vibration in the front and heard a loud grinding sound . I took it to a shop they said my right bearing had broken . They replaced it however upon leaving the shop I heard grinding and felt vibration on the left drivers driver's side they told me that it wasn't the wheel bearing they said possible transmission . Problem when I reverse no problem when I put the car into drive no problem ( When I give the car gas in drive a loud grinding sound occurs like a gear of some sort is stripped the left wheel engages but the grinding sound continues . If anyone can help me troubleshoot this issue . Mind you I am not mechanical inclined . Because around where I live they don't work on hybrid vehicles . I would appreciate it thanks .....
I don't even make it to that point as soon as I give it some gas I do mean the slightest amount of gas the grinding starts . In my observation it does feel like the driver's side front wheel tries to engage when I give it gas at that point that is when I hear the grinding sound and feel the vibration in the front left side
If you had two jack stands, you could prop the front end up high enough, pull the wheels, and have someone in the car carefully operating pedals so that you could zero in on the source of the noise. Of course you would want to use every safety precaution.