Hi all, I have just managed to install cruise control on my 2011 Gen 2 Prius -basic model, The cruise control LED on the combined mete doesn't come on although the cruise control works OK, I took of the combined meter and found that all LEDs are actually soldiered in the board and there is no LED for Cruise control - LED206 on the board - it's not possible to replace or install unless soldered. Has any one done this job before? is it straight forward? where did you get the LEDs and what is the part numbers? Thanks
A 2011 is a Generation 3 Prius. Gen3 ran from 2010 to 2015 model years. Gen2 ran from 2004 to 2009 model years. What you are calling level 2 is not the same as the generation. What @dolj is pointing out is you posted in the wrong section and the attention it gets in the wrong section might not be helpful as the solution may vary. Good luck and keep us posted .
2010-2015 cars are the third Prius generation globally. That may be the second generation available in New Zealand, but it's actually the third generation of the Prius.
I understand what you saying but physically what I have is generation 2 car similar to attached picture, what do you normally call this type of Prius?
Ok, that is making more sense. You have a JDM Gen 2 Anniversary Edition (I think it was called). This constantly trips us up as this model was only released in Japan. Sorry for the confusion. PS, it is interesting, because a normal Gen 2 came with the CC LED installed in the light cluster.
no worries mate, yes this car was imported from Japan. now back to the topic any idea about the LED model or where I can get it from?
No, as I said the LED is installed from the factory in Gen 2's up to 2009. So anyone doing a retrofit only needs to add the stalk switch and change the brake switch. Maybe a shout out to Matt @Texas Hybrid Batteries would be a possibility. His company removes the TPMS LEDs from light clusters if they are going to be retrofitted into a 2004-2005. If he keeps them, he should have a bucket of them. Maybe he could put one in the post for you. Failing that, you could remove one by unsoldering it from your cluster and take it to Jaycar to see if they can work out its specs and sell you one.
Could it be easier to just see if Matt could send a complete combo meter? Do Anniversary Editions have problems with their combo meters that might eventually need replacement anyways?
No, it was only the 2004-2005 years that had the issue with the combination meter that topped out at 299,999. Furthermore, it is the light cluster the poster needs, not the combination meter. However, the light cluster would be much larger (compared to a single LED) and so freight cost is more, plus the added cost for the light cluster itself. I would imagine the cost of a single LED to be very minimal as would the postage. Seeing as the poster originally was querying the purchase of a single LED, I imagine they would be comfortable soldering the LED onto the light cluster.
You are absolutely right, I'm Electronics engineer and can do soldering I can match that LED with any other similar LED but I'm more keen to get exact LED also I'm not keen to pay that much
You might be able to get the right size parts on like jameco or digikey. You need to get all thats missing. (LED206, R206, R229, & D205) you can copy the values from the W led next to it. (LED207, R207, R232, & D208) Dont confuse the color. Although the LED looks yellow, its white illuminating color BTW. That's what the W next to it on the board is for. Just like the Y is Yellow. Also If you say its a sample sometimes they will wave the cost and\or ship for free.
That is interesting, I didn't know that there is missing few other components, Are you saying I need to add 4 parts in total? what is the values of each? any idea?
Yes all four. you need to replicate what doyota designed. i cant say why you need the extra diode but why would toyota put it in if it wasent needed? I would'nt know the values w/o looking at a schematic or desoldering them and ohming them out. The diode will be the hardest since you dont know if its shockty or not for example. In you situation, i'd get a AS-IS or "for parts or not working" cluster from ebay or a junkyard and just move the parts you need over to your cluster that you know is working.