At least we can lighten the mood while we're all going through this mess. The least we can do is share a laugh or two. Police were confused when they answered a call about a convenience store robbery. When they arrived the robber and the store clerk were both wearing the same mask. Next joke?
Credit Argus Hamilton for these two: 1. "I believe half of Americans are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks while the other half will come out with a drinking problem." 2. "The country's #1 crime used to be home break-ins; now it's home escapes."
For once, the fake news version is better. Apologies to those who saw the raw data I had posted earlier.....
You should lighten up. We're not suggesting the virus itself is a joke. We take it very seriously. . We're not going out unless absolutely necessary; we're wearing masks and gloves, etc., etc. I refuse, however, to cower in the corner and dwell on things negatively like it's the end of the world. There is a lot of humor to be found in the situations we find ourselves living in. Humor can be a great coping mechanism.
Squids tend to have a very dark sense of humor, and we like to whistle past the graveyard... However (comma!) Some people right now HAVE to go out because it IS absolutely necessary. One of my co-workers has the bug and another one is in quarantine....and WE’RE in a relatively SAFE gig. I know several nurses who really don’t think that COVID humor is especially funny right now. I was out last night on a callout and I saw stores stuffed with cars and un-masked families with kids in tow driving shopping carts (we call them ‘buggies’) through parking lots....and full dollar stores and gas stations, and (curiously) home improvement center garden centers...cupcake stores...CAR LOTS.... Joking and humor are appropriate at times, and I get that people need a little comic relief but there are going to be people out there who are a little more severely impacted than just needing a little comic relief. AND.....they are probably going to react a little differently to COVID gallos humor. Post your jokes. If they’re funny? I’ll laugh at them and maybe even post my own. If people want to criticize?? LET them. That’s a healthy outlet too.....and in the end??? ALL HUMOR is a little cruel to SOMEBODY.
Thanks for that. I heard a "rumor" that as of a few minutes ago, there's a Sam's near me that has 6 less cases (24 count) and a couple of Angry Orchard Crisp Apple as well. TP, we've got, but running out of beer, that's a real crisis . . . . joke folks.
Humor, even dark humor, is a valuable coping mechanism for very many people. Don't deny them that mechanism. If it isn't for you, then un-watch this thread.
I've changed my outlook. Originally, I was just not ready for "Corona Virus" humor. And I still take it seriously. I mean it IS serious, and we aren't through the woods yet. Ultimately this a global pandemic, that has taken lives. Which....well isn't funny. However, I have come around to this realization. I think it's part of the resiliency of humanity that we do create and embrace humor, even in the darkest times and with the darkest topics. Plus, I think I'd rather "jokes" about the Corona virus situation than more fear creating reports. seems to me, most of the humor isn't about the reality of the virus, and the real threat, most of the humor is based on current protocols and our reaction to the virus. This is an important distinction. So anyway, originally, just not ready for "Corona" humor, now? Willing to admit we need to laugh, and some of this just plain funny.