I would like to enable the OEM bluetooth on my 2008 Prius (NOT interested in aftermarket). The MFD service menu has bluetooth settings listed on the menu, but apparently there is no bluetooth hardware installed because it won't recognize bluetooth devices. Is the Bluetooth hardware something that is installed as a plug-in module that plugs into the MFD, or is it built into the OEM headunit?
The bluetooth module is apart of the MFD. All bluetooth equipped cars also have the JBL audio system. The "official" way to do it will require you to ad the JBL 6 disk changer, the JBL amp, the JBL speakers, as well as the bluetooth MFD, the steering wheel controls, and the microphone in the overhead console. I do have a theory that you may be able to add just the bluetooth part without the JBL if you re-route some of the network connections from the bluetooth section. I installed bluetooth, JBL, and factory nav in our '08 package 2 so I have some experience on how to go about doing it if you want to try. PM me if you want to give it a try and I'll give you any help you need.
My 2006 Prius sounds like yours. I have a Bluetooth software option and serial log within the diagnostic menu. I do not have JBL. I also have a mic check option but I've checked and there isn't a mic where a factory one would be. Even came across a "delete personal info" button on screen but do not know or have a way of entering personal information. I'm confused with this and why I sort of have options and no functionality.
trying to do the same thing. Currently my phone is hooked to bluetooth in the car I can receive calls and makes calls but have no microphone Bought a Q7 board with amp and microphone Installed but still no microphone output I have seen something about rewiring from overhead console to MFD but I can't make out exactly what needs to be done. Can you please elaborate?