On my 2006 Prius, just below the steering wheel, under the dash, where you'd never see it unless you lean down to the right of the steering wheel and look up and under...... a handle about 3 inches long and a couple inches wide, attached to a bar, and there is a slot, where it looks like you could push it forward. (I didn't dare try!!). I thought I had discovered everything on my car, but this, I had never noticed. What is it for????
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sl7vk @ Sep 29 2006, 02:30 PM) [snapback]325762[/snapback]</div> That's what I was gonna say. I have a feeling that's what it is...I know I had a tough time finding mine when I needed to adjust my steering wheel when I first got the car. On my previous car, the adjustment lever was in plain sight, and a lot easier to get to.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ Sep 29 2006, 02:33 PM) [snapback]325766[/snapback]</div> That's EXACTLY what it is! I didn't think we had a way to adjust it!! The "Forum" comes through again!! Thank, all of you!
Owner's Manual..!!!! My Owner's Manual, page 96 illustrates the Tilt Steering Wheel feature. Section 2-3 Operation of Instruments and Controls. And it's even Indexed. It still amazes me that Prius owners don't read the Manual. **SIGH**
RTFM! Works just about everytime. Actually, it's okay that people don't read manuals. It keeps me employed
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Charles Suitt @ Sep 29 2006, 03:16 PM) [snapback]325794[/snapback]</div> Instead of being so negative and arrogant, why not just give your answer in a friendly, helpful tone of voice? You must know somebody who could show you what one sounds like. Or even better, don't answer at all if this is the best you can do. Especially when you could see the question was already answered and all you added was your downer. You've got more "rules" on your signature than anybody else on the forum. Are we supposed to feel bad if you don't read our stuff? You sound like one of the older people who acts like one.
I have to agree with Charles... it's pathetic to see so many Prius owners who don't red the manual and then post here the silliest questions. :huh:
If you don't like the question you don't have to answer it. No need to be such Prius Snobs.... Jeez....
Agreed people, be nice. There are any number of reasons someone can't check the info in the owner's manual, maybe they missed it the first time through, maybe they looked again and it just slipped their minds. Maybe the dealer told them there wasn't a tilt for the steering wheel and the though of looking for that feature was excluded. Just be nice. We get tons of repeat questions. This poster was very congenial and thankful and there's no reason to be trying to intimidate people who have questions.
CHARLES, PLEASE PUT ME ON IGNORE. NOT THAT YOU EVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ME ASKING SOMEONE LIKE YOU FOR ADVICE TO BEGIN WITH. You know, I used to go to a web site where people did the same thing (Act snobbish, think they knew everything and felt like their intelligence was being insulted if someone asked a question that was below their level of knowledge about a particular subject) and in the end, I didn't go there anymore because thats all I ever heard. Share your knowledge if you have it and the world will be a better place. My Mom always told me "If you don't have anything nice to say...SHUT THE HELL UP!!"
[Just be nice. We get tons of repeat questions. This poster was very congenial and thankful and there's no reason to be trying to intimidate people who have questions.] [/quote] Thanks for your support. When I taught school, from which I have retired so that I can be full time caregiver to my daughter with Lou Gehrig's disease, I always told the kids, "There are no questions too foolish to ask. If you don't know the answer - please ask." And I also made it clear that Nobody was ever to be so rude as to laugh at another's questions. Yes, sometimes the answers to their questions were clearly answered in their books. However, when one reads a long manuscript he isn't expected to recall every detail. Enough said. Yes, I did skim through the manual, but did not study it in detail. I do appreciate those of you who were kind enough to answer my question, which to you was one with an easy answer. Helping each other is a kindness which some can afford, and others cannot.
There is so much information in the manual that it is hard to remember everything. Asking a question here is much quicker than trying to dig through the pages of the manual because there are so many knowledgeable Prius people here. Besides the posters here write much better than the authors of the manual.
Aw, comeon. Before jumping on people who ask a silly or easy question, shouldn't you think about the people who really like to answer them. I thought some people here like answering easy questions. Certainly nobody's forced to answer them, but many people do. The same could be said for people who post something opinionated, misinformed, or offensive. Think of all the people here who love to correct them.
OK, then where the heck is the button for the ejection seat? :blink: Hey, Dulcimer, did you find the handle to close the hatch? And the 'secret' drawer under the cupholders? Ask away. Most of us will be nice about it, especially if we haven't read the manual either.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Charles Suitt @ Sep 29 2006, 03:16 PM) [snapback]325794[/snapback]</div> Manual! We don't need no stinking manual we're men! BaHaHaHahahaha. . . :lol: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(theorist @ Sep 29 2006, 08:15 PM) [snapback]325898[/snapback]</div> Those are the only ones I can answer. Cool avatar what is it??? Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Sep 30 2006, 12:01 AM) [snapback]325913[/snapback]</div> Uh...what are you saying here? The easy questions? Or the opinionated, misinformed, and offensive?