Black/#7/April 19 2004/Portland OR

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by mvp1961, Apr 20, 2004.

  1. mvp1961

    mvp1961 New Member

    Apr 20, 2004
    Portland, OR
    Date Ordered: April 19, 2004
    Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Broadway Toyota, Portland OR
    Timeframe given for delivery:6-8 mos, most likely a 2005 model in December
    Color: Black
    Option Package: #7
    Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: No idea, but it's down there.
  2. mvp1961

    mvp1961 New Member

    Apr 20, 2004
    Portland, OR
    Got an update from Jerry Roussell from Broadway Toyota on Saturday. Good, quality guy. :clap: We are #6 in the queue for the Black #7 package. He said if we wanted a White #7 we could be #1, but we'll pass. He said if we wanted Driftwood we could move up to # 5 for that color, but again we'll pass. Any other color would not make us move up at all.

    He says that they are now filling order from late November 2003 right now, so that means that we're probably looking at November 2004 for ours, unless something drastic/weird happens.

    Also, he said that their allocations have fluctuated from 2-3 to 7-8 cars two or three times in any month with no rhyme or reason seemingly, to the number allocated. This is what Dianne's been telling us all along. He also said that they are not entering people into the system for the letter keyfob any longer since it didn't seem to mean anything. But he also said that if we wanted one, he would have us entered. We'll pass on that too. We could probably go out to the hinterlands of Oregon for speedier delivery, but we will not pay a premium for the car--Broadway will sell at MSRP--no add ons.

    So, we'll wait and see. Who knows?!
    Good luck to all you waiters!!!
  3. mvp1961

    mvp1961 New Member

    Apr 20, 2004
    Portland, OR
    WOW, quicker than I expected

    Got the call on Friday. Black #9 ours for MSRP. Since we were on our way to a weekend camping trip, we told them we'd be in on Sunday afternoon.

    Picked it up yesterday. No BS from Broadway and Jerry Rouselle. 26055 + title and registration. (no sales tax in OR). Dealer said we should be getting 300 back from toyota because of the price increase. Also we'll get the 1500 fed tax credit and 1500 state tax credit. SInce this is our fifth Toyota (Tercel, Corolla, both long gone,Pickup and Highlander still in service), do we qualify for some sort of Toyota loyalty program?!!?!?!

    Don't know why we got it so quiclky, but once we added the Silver #s7 and 9 and the Black #9, things moved quickly. Our salesman Kia said that Silver #7 are another 4-5 month wait.

    Had 1/2 the neighborhood wanting to drive it last night. People are still asking where is the plug. One of my funnier neighbors says I should hang an entension cord out of the hatch!!! Or throw duracells out the window as I drive along the highway (oh the liability!)

    Got lots of homework to do, since the dealer didn't provide much of an orientation. Well we're psyched. Good luck to all of you guys who are still on the waitlist.
